Tips on going camp with my period!!?

hi!! i am 16... and i started my periods smaller quantity than a year ago. but i havnt told my mum so i usually use toliet paper...(is this undisruptive?) but i use pads when ever i can acquire them.. BUT... we are going camping at the weekend and thats when im due my time!! and i dont no what to do...! plz can i have some tips? also plz do not articulate tell my mum... although i will surrounded by my own time... just very soon i just touch that she doesnt need to no!

and give support to wud be much apreciated!!

22 years old can i start using tampons?

Hon, I know you said not to describe so I won't say report but at sixteen she knows you enjoy them already. You guys just give the impression of being to have something going on in your people where you don't speak to each other. Honey, your extent comes out of your personal area but it's not sexual. You've get a need for a specific personal hygiene product. I suspect you are not using tampons and should not unless you are smart ample to read the box :-) Just go to the grocery store or drug store or enjoy your friend get some for you. They other have ladies products at military camp ground stores. They will cost only 3 times more, Oh hiding is such loads of fun, No? Anyway, most girls start in the order of 13-14 years old, some as impulsive as 11. Your getting to the point where the unease is in acting resembling you're not maturing physically and sexually just getting elder. Sixteen is old satisfactory to get near the program. You need to spend this year growing up and put these childish ways away forever.

Before this request for information goes to a vote you agree to us know that this issue has be resolved with your mom. You can do it, vacate the little girls group and join within with the ladies.

Girls sustain?

ask your friends for some tampons that you can bring on the trip

or ask them for some pads

or go to the store yourself and buy some pad or tampons

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If you are 16 you need to let somebody know your mother so she can buy you the proper supplies each month. Toilet quality newspaper is not a suitable substitute. What happens if you enjoy a major womanly problem and you haven't told your mom you have your period? Oooooops guess it would be better to convey her now. As for camp you should consider using tampons or take a small case with you to dispose of your pad in that weekend.

I,m reaction all over the place, my period are heavier, i get to discern good for 1 wk a month.?

honestly using toliet tabloid is bad.. and you influence you will tell your mom on your own time.. but if you are going camp she may figure it out on her own..put surrounded by you bag pad or something in your bag and freshly use them..

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This isn't what you want to hear, but if you told your mom then she could make available you pads for the trip. You seriously should transmit her though. You can't live off toilet rag.

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just narrate your mom text her thats what i did a short time ago act close to its your first period after ask for tampons from her or friends or get your own

Should I notify her?

omg this is exactly what i did.. i didnt tell my mom for over 6 months! and i used toilet tabloid... the bad entity about i.e., is that it will leak on your underwear... ahh i finnaly tould her right when i be about 2 dance 2 the doctor. just incase the doctor would enjoy asked (which they did) im glade i tould her!... shift 2 the store by yourself get some tampons or communicate your mom you need to buy a notebook or sumthing and buy tampons instead .. consequently when u buy them put them in your purse ( a substantial purse) .. good luck!

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Really you enjoy got to describe your mom. At your age, it wouldn't be normal for you to NOT own your period already. She may start to wonder if you are have health issues. Tissue dissertation is really bad to use. I don't resembling using that on emergency last minute runs to the drug store to bring tampons. Talk to her. I'm sure she won't judge. After adjectives, she's been at hand herself.

If worst comes to worst, and you can't tell her, afterwards maybe ask your institution for a few (you may need to jump several times or have some friends budge for you) or ask your friends. Or you can pay and basically get them yourself.

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i would suggest tell your mom and approaching the other person said perform like it only just happened.

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