I don't know if I hold this...?

You see. I'm 5'8" and I weight 105 pounds. I weigh myself everyday and I don't really guzzle that much. I also excercise a lot. Do I hold an eating disorder?


Is this possible?

Well, you are VERY underweight. I'm 5'4 or something close to that... and weigh 124 i think... and i'm at PERFECT substance... and you're way taller than me, and weigh much smaller number.

I mean, do you purposely not get through? If so, then you could hold a problem.

Just try to get yourself to get through more. Maybe try a good size banquet, with snacks surrounded by between, etc. Talk to your doctor if you'd like to fashion a plan... buy a book for this maybe?

honourable luck!

~Black and White~

Does the pill effect your libido?

wowza you are tall and really small..how prehistoric are you. you should get some meat on those bones.

Masterbating cross-question?

Being so focussed on your weight that you check it every daylight, and pay attention to what you chomp through in demand to not gain weight, when you don't weigh much at adjectives, is a big indicator for an eating disorder. Please homily to a doctor or counsellor.

How can I tell my mom I want pills?

No one can really answer clich?? if you have an intake disorder or not, you should know if you do, by not eating, or barfing after meal. But you are underweight.

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