How do i product my boobs grow?lol!?

i reall want them bigger

Do Prenatal vitamins breed u gain wieght and brand name ur curls grow faster if so how fong does it steal?

yeah funny.

Freshman girl?

It seems every girl with small breast requirements them bigger, and girls with big breast want them smaller. You should be happy near what you have and learn to approaching your body and your self. You are still growing, so they might still be getting larger too. Somewhere around the age of 19 or 20 they stop growing, but if you get pregnant, they will get bigger then on in Life. So don't let the small breast bother you. They are purely as attractive as women with bigger breast. In fact plentifully of men prefer them over larger breast. Plus you don't have to worry around them sagging. They stay nice and firm throughout your Life. Women with big breast end in a lot of problems, they sag, they are substantial so it's causes your back and shoulders to hurt, and they take stretch marks too. Plus it's no fun having men ogle you because your breast stick out. Much better to own small ones. Peace!

Please Help! First Gyno Visit!?

There is only one way to clear them bigger. Surgery. This reminds me of a joke:

Wife says "Are my boobs small? I mull over that they should be bigger. What do you think?"
Husband says, "They look great. Don't verbs about it."
The next sunshine the wife asks again, " Do you think my boobs are too small. I wish that they be bigger. What do you think?"
Husband says, "Honey, i love them. Stop worrying more or less them. They are perfect."
This goes on for give or take a few a month and the husband is fed up with it. The wife walk in and asks "Are my boobs too small? I hate them. How do i create them bigger?"
The husband replies, "Rub toilet paper between them."
The wife says, " Toilet daily? How would that make them bigger?"
The husband answers, "It worked for your butt didn't it?"

No term!?

Get older or win fatter.

Your breasts will keep developing until you are 25. I went up a total cup size between 18 and 24 years old.

Breasts are also made mostly of fat, so if you procure fatter then your boobs will get fatter - along beside your butt, and tummy, and thighs and everything else.

What does it be a sign of? Help please?

I know everybody says get surgery or linger until they grow. Let me tell you what worked for me... birth control pills. LOL. I gained a lil shipment which was good impose I was too skinny and my boobs went up a cup size.

Could this be a serious condition about blood within the urine?

Wait and rescue already money for a possible plastically surgical operation !
But I hope you could use the money for something else !
:- )

Boobs bigger?

theres nothing really you can do. they will grow slowly but surely.. dont worry :)

HELP!?! Need answers soon!?


Pretty meaningful grill...please relief me!!?

you a moment ago have to wait.

My girlfriend is have a terrifically standard lamp time, and here be a brown discharge beforehand that. can someone lend a hand me?

surgery, there's cream, stuff ur bra?

Vaginal bleed during/after sex?

u cant u hold to wait and trust me their not all that great

I hold this problem...?

Serious birth control quiz?!?
Im 26 and i grain close to im 40..what can i do to consistency childlike?
Stronger nail?
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