How matured do u enjoy to be to start masturbating, contained by ur feelings

just wonderin wat ur opinion is

Answers:    There is no "proper" age for that. It's something you do whenever it pleases you.
Small children masturbate.
Babies touch themselves surrounded by the womb.
It just depends on how you do it. I wouldn't suggest penetration if you're terribly young (under say...13?) because your body is still developing and it would probably hurt more, but if you quality like you're ready, you probably are..
theres zilch wrong with masterbation its just a instrument to release sextual pressure u can start as early as u want (even though it would be weird to dream up 8 to 10 year olds masterbate) remeber its perfectly normal and if u approaching it no one else can tell u its wrong Erm, i devise masturbating is not a HAVE TO, it is more to a WANT TO. cox actually not all NEED to masturbate.
Okay. Personally i starting masturbating at the age of 13, and I'm Loving' It Till immediately...
I think any age is normal for someone to start masturbating. It's a respectable, normal way for everyone to express their sexuality. 13-14
lke honest mastrurbation
not only like fiddling or w/e.
an age as long as you know what masturbation is, :), and its nothing to be ashamed of, its intensely good for your uterus, :D I've known a three year outdated to masturbate. Obviously they don't realize. They only know it feels apposite. There is no wrong or right age. .
when u feel you need "Sexual HeEEEEEEeeeeEEEeeeaLLinNNNNNNg BaBaaaaaaaAAAAAAa!" not within all seriousness around preteen age Obviously, your sex organs don't work when you are a child, so I say around 13 for a man. I started when I be 15. .
there is no right or wrong age
if you feel biddable, and you're not harming/hurting yourself, then play awayyyy! i was on this site call healthy and there are ethnic group who have been masturbating since they be 5 years old.
11 is perfect When you start lofty school.
Any age lol
I agree with 35 but consent to your wife do it. well i would say 13 but it depends on everyone

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