Weird odor "there"?

I can smell an odor from my vagina and idk how to get rid of it. It isnt and STD or anything close to that and I always dry-clean down there. What can I do. I don't close to the odor. I am almost 17, do you think its a yeast infection, my discharge have been approaching thick and milk colored lately. Im worried but I don't want to enlighten my mom.

Period problem.?

God! You're gonna totally ruin my thoughts on sex!

Dominant follicle?

Yeast. See a doc.

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could be an infection depending on if you have irritation and stuff. yeast infection would be intchy also.
but I hear dont douche because it can create yeast infections or

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Sounds close to a yest infection.most women get them sometimes..recount your mom bc its not somethig bad u did...if your discharge is lumpy, or glutinous and smells really bad,,later its probably a yeast can go to the drugstore and buy a sometime remedy

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Get it checked

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It may be a yeast infection. Tell your mom, she'll work out, most women have them at some point, and they can be cause by many things, I kept getting them at one point, and finally realize it was my bubble hip bath. So don't be embarassed, tell your mom so you can take home a Dr's appointment.

Why is it so..?

It sounds like a yeast or germs infection. You can get an over the counter treatment lacking your mom knowing. It isn't because you are dirty or anything it happens sometimes. Our bodies create a convinced amount of bacteria and sometimes fry or moisture can cause yeast infections. It isn't a desperate thing unless you give up it untreated. Try the yeast infection medicine and see if you don't see a difference surrounded by a few days. Hope things work out okay.

NuvaRing question..?

Peace Lil Sis -

My first thought be infection. The only process you can rule out an STD is abstinace. If you have abstain from sex, rule STD possibility out.

I think your diet, and simply proper hygeine could be an issue. Bathe, sort sure you're wearing cotton undergarments, or at least the crotch of the garment should be cotton, be cautious for how tight your jeans/pants are, especially in hot weather.

If the odor still persist you should definitely realize out to your mother or aunt etc.

Always to be safe, to some extent than sorry.

I wish you the best - Be Safe.

Medical query concerning the menstrual cycle?

It sounds like a yeast or bacterial infection. I would recommend seeing a doctor. Neither one of these things are cause by anything your mom should be concerned about, they of late happen. Yeast infections can be cause by taking antibiotics. Medication for bacterial infections need to be prescribed by a doctor. Good luck.

My girlfriend have.a problem(and i am not sure how to say this lacking being reported)?

it is your diet, i used to catch that but not anymore.. avoiding cold drinks are suitable me..

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