
Okay, on the 20th I was admit into the hospital through the ER because I was have pain. I have an ultra sound...3 of them and a CT scan and hida scan while I be in the hospital for 5 days they newly kept running tests and kept me on a pca pump. Finally the 6th afternoon they took out my gallbladder. None of the tests come back but I be classic text book gallbladder problems but I'm just 17 (and I missed my highschool graduation because I Was in the hospital) so he thought I be too young to own gallbladder problems. But finally the doctor took it out and yeah, it was full of sludge and small stones and adhesion. So it's been just about 2 weeks and a few days and I'm having awful aching on my left side of my belly all down it. My staples are out and I've returned to a average diet but I'm in awful affliction, is this related to the removal or what. I don't want to go wager on to the doctor anytime soon but I'm hurting so bad.

Poly-cyctic ovarian syndrome?

You should see a doctor in a jiffy cause unless theres a doctor here on Im betting he'll give an account you to see your doctor immediately motivation you need to enjoy yourself checked out it can be something else more serious.

Is brown discharge normal for someone that merely had a couple period?


What do you think of when you hear "The Cavewoman Diet"?

If you are contained by pain, you stipulation to go put a bet on to the doctor. You may have developed a post-surgery infection.

Which amount mane is normal to enjoy and not be made fun of for?

go to the ER it could mean serious problems..!

Need some HELP!?

you inevitability to go pay for, it could be an infection or something else serious.

What is it ?

you should go to the hospital it might be more next your gallbladder.. you could experience pain when you move but a week surrounded by to recovery if you lay still it should not bother you and the affliction should be getting better.. please dance in you may enjoy other things wrong.. better safe next dead

Ive get alot of hair adjectives over my body!its embarrissing!im 14!i think i enjoy a hormone imbalance and i am getti

call the doter and ma-by he come give you sum drug

Late period?

It's probably more related to constipation following surgery.

After surgery, patients typically take some niggle medication and this medication is very constipating.

The best route you can tell if it's constipation is if the agony is "not" constant. When a person have severe constipation pain, the misery will come in breakers. Really bad one minute and after no pain at adjectives and then really doomed to failure again and then no headache again. Each cycle normally last about a minute or so or sometimes the throbbing will last 30 second and then you can run 3 or 4 minutes with no discomfort. Almost like labor strain, but it's caused by the intestines instead. If your cramp is coming in waves, it will resolve as soon as you can own a bowel movement.

If your pain is constant, it's probably not constipation and you should probably telephone the doctor and ask about it...especially since it's on the contrasting side of your body than the gallbladder.

Hope you fill better soon

What is pubic curls?

Its probably stones that hidden during your operation immediately dropping... Are you experiencing the same misery as you were previously the operation? Sharp pains that come and go? if so, specifically probably it...

Just a guess.. My mother is in for this right immediately..all week and complications approaching your after the surgery last week...

A few hours ago i told u guys nearly me having surgery and that i be afraid of being put to sleep_ a few of u?

This problem could turn into a bigger problem next to a possibility of more surgery? I think you should step to the doc. Your gall bladder be on your right your torment is on the left side...your pancreas and spleen are on the moved out side. Do not let this little problem turn into a bigger one. Yes you be young but it could enjoy been your diet. I have mine removed when I was childish and real tight. Not a classic person to hold gall bladder. They said the stress I be under created tang thus causing a stone to form. Mine be enlarged, gangrened, and just a mess. Please dance to the doc.

My bf and i know about safe and sound sex and want to know which is the easiest and safest method of contraception?

I had my gallbladder out roughly speaking 1 year ago. I too had trouble near being diagnose because I am babyish (24). They did take it out however, and I be frustrated because it didn't seem to comfort. I also was have pains and cramps and diarreha. I had distress in my chest and contained by my left side. I go back to the doctor and he told me that sometimes your body will hold pockets of nouns from when they inflate your chest during the surgery. he said you can feel these pockets for up to a year or two inside until they completely dissolve. He checked for infections etc also simply to be sure. I know that having a surgery is supposed to produce you feel better and that this one take a long time to heal. It be many months formerly I felt myself again but suspend in at hand and keep going stern to the doctor with any and adjectives questions -- better past the worst than sorry. Try to stay postive -- you will feel better eventually! I hope things turn out ok!

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