Poly-cyctic ovarian syndrome?

I am a 23 year old girl.I have pimples and a lot of acne since the recent past 8 years. 2 years ago, I was diagnosed of poly-cyctic ovaries and my dermatologist asked me to consume birth control pills. Its be over 1 year I am on these pills and my acne has reduced remarkably, but as a result, I hold put on 15 kilos.

Also, after discontinuing the pills, the acne and all the other symptoms returm.

Please relay em a way to treat poly-cyctic ovaries. Can this be treated through yoga?


What should i do?

The treatment of this condition repeatedly depends on whether you wish to conceive or not. Your doctor will discuss these issues further near you.

1. Diet and exercise – there is suitable evidence that weight loss results surrounded by a significant improvement of the metabolic abnormality associated with PCOS. A running down in mane growth and sometimes a return to ovulatory cycles may occur. Weight loss alone may restore ovulation and menstruation.

2. Stimulation of ovulation next to Clomiphene – Polycystic ovaries are very sensitive to stimulation and this treatment wants to be carefully monitored. Ovarian hyperstimulation and multiples pregnancies may result.

3. Surgery – ovarian drilling or block resection.

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