This is really embarassing this past the worst?

I have be having unprotected sex near my boyfriend, he has no STDs as next to me. We have be using the "pull out" method, and consequently we stop. How high is my risk of getting pregnant? I really want him to use a condom but he hate them apparently...any real info or suggestions on him to modify his mind would be great, thanks.

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Here is a fantastic page on the subtraction method (also known as the pull-out method).
It is 73 percent decisive with typical use. That's not too desperate, but you could do better. If you really want to prevent pregnancy, you should take the business into your own hands. Consider going on the birth control pill. More info here:
Or using another type of over the counter birth control. More info here:

Need your thoughts?

Technically it single takes one sperm so logically the chances are high-ranking. If he has not be tested then you do not know if he have STD's from someone else. If he cares in the region of you he would want to respect your wishes and you period. Using a condom is not too much to ask.

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Not risk-free at all. A small amount of semen leak out during sex making it highly promising you will get pregnant.

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The only course to be safe is to use the "backdoor" method. Whereupon he just accesses the "backdoor".

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Even with the verbs out method you can get pregnant. You are really self foolish by not having protection.

Relaxing Tips?

It seem as if all guys are like peas in a pod about hate condoms. I would seriously sugges so kind of birth control. (ie, the pill, Depo, IUD, NuvaRing, The Patch) The verbs out method is about 2% affective and will terminate up getting you pregnant. I was on Depo for 4 years and it be great not having to remember to pilfer a pill everyday. But no I am on Mirena. Which is 100 times better than anything and I would definetly recomend it to anyone!!

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Well, it could happen. I've hear many MANY stories of women concieving beside the withdrawal method, however, why not give somebody a lift matters into your own hand? Theres things like the pill, the sponge, a diaphragm. i know condoms are the cheapest but you should give somebody a lift responsibility for your own body! Tell him he may hate condoms but he'd surely repugnance more to be a father because of a few moments of passion!

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the risk is HIGH tell him use one or no sex. if he be smart and didn't want kids he would be happy to put one on.

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Stop doing this now!! Yes, I know 2 empire who became pregnant this bearing!! STOP!!

If your boyfriend doesn't care satisfactory about your stimulating and physical welfare (both of which would be affected by an unwanted pregnancy) to use a condom within the absence of any other birth control method, later you shouldn't be having sex near him and he doesn't deserve to be with you.

Insist on condoms (everybody hate them, but get over it) while you and he investigate a well-mannered alternative. If you don't want to go on the pill (wouldn't blame you), the diaphragm, panama and sponge are all well-mannered options. Good luck and stand up for yourself - it's your body!

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tell him ,unless you ready to be a daddy you call for to put a cap on it or no more sex till you do,in attendance is a 10% chance of semen getting into the ovaries and getting you pregnant even though he pulls out,not out of danger at all.if that don't work quit have sex with him adjectives together till he wakes up and realize he could get you pregnant by mistake from have unprotected sex.

Very personal question Please bestow serious answer?

If he does not want to use a condom. Don't sleep with him. You can find pregnant from pre-. Pre- has sperm within it and if you are ovulating you could get pregnant. I would recommend getting on the pill or other form of birth control if you want to verbs to have a sexual relationship beside this guy. As for the STDs were you guys tested in the past you started sleeping with him? My sex ed don said it like this
"when you sleep a guy you are sleeping near is past partner also". Just some words for thought. Good luck.

Question about after childbirth?

The verbs out method is not very impressive at preventing pregnancy. Please contact your doctor and make an appointment to procure on birth control. It is your body and you are the one responsible for it.

I am having discharge adjectives the time like 24/7 is near something wrong with me?

If you abhorrence condoms, then you love babies. Crying ones. The verbs out method is a SURE way to catch pregnant. Actually, I think you achieve pregnant more often on the verbs out method rather than any other method. If you want to find pregnant, use the pull out method. Its 100% effectual. Oh and did he say he doesnt hold any STD's or did his doctor say? Sure he doesnt. Sure.

A couple of things: Guys are dumb, 99% of them. They dont prudence if they get you pregnant, at adjectives, trust me, all they could contemplation about is screw you without a condom. Even when they articulate they care something like you, trust me, they just want to f%$# you. Its adjectives about sex beside men.

IT'S NOT WORTH IT. NOTHING IN THE WORLD IS WORTH DYING OF AIDS OR GETTING AN STD OR HAVING A BABY AT A YOUNG AGE. NOTHING. And that is what will appear when you have unprotected sex. As females, we hold to stand up for ourselves, cause nobody is going to do it for us. Be alert girl. Carry condoms with you. Get on birth control.

Because one fun darkness could lead to a enthusiasm full of regret.

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It doesn't event if he loves, hates, or flat out despises condoms. You involve to protect yourself from STD's and pregnancy! You may have be a virgin, but you really don't know what he's been up to, no concern how much you would like to believe that you do. Protect yourself, or you may be repentant. Use condoms and birth control. Talk to you doctor about which birth control method is right for you. There are several option.

Condoms and heat?

There is 2-3 million sperm is in recent times a single drop of semenIt takes one to go and get pregnant. Use a condom.

On The Pill but No Period?

There's an old quip - What do you call someone who practices the renunciation method of birth control? mommy or daddy.

It's not an effective method of birth control at ALL. Even if he does verbs out just in the past he ejaculates, pre-ejaculate still contains sperm. If you don't want to grasp pregnant, you should tell him - no condom, no sex - until you can grasp on birth control yourself.

Help! Im scared!?

been next to my girl for 10 years. used a condom once. we have two children. does that sustain? tell your boyfriend to grow up.

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