Tore my stitches?

I just give birth to my first born on saturday and the doctor stitched me up with 2 stitches on any side on my labia, now one of my stitches own torn and its really uncomfortable to sit and gain up but nothing too desperate to stop walking or anything, do I really need to see a doctor or could I only just let the rest of them restore to health, cause my stitches are self absorbing and should be uplifting pretty soon anyway right? please help

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They disolve after going on for 2 weeks.
Youv'e had yours for nearly a week.
Go see you Doctor ASAP to see if it have healed adequate to leave the stitch out.
Don't shame it as if the tear have not healed since the stitch tore it can cause the slash to heal unstraight and thet cause more problems.

Can anyone tell me around endometrial ablation?

Most hospitals have an "ask the nurse" resort available. You call the hospital and find to either discuss with a nurse (for free) or listen to a cartridge outlining your issue and what you need to do (for free).

I hope you consistency better soon and congrats on your new child!

My vagina is itchy,?

if it bothers you give the nurse a christen and ask her what would be the right thing to do=good luck

Help!! woman just?

I think, hon, if they are really pulling and bothering you disappointingly, you would at least telephone your doctors office. It doesn't even hold to be the OBGYN office, beckon your primary care they should know what to do.. But if you can't receive through, call your local ER room at the hospital. they will direct your method!

Thongs bad for you?

If you are bleeding budge to the doctor sooner than later. If the wound have healed after don't worry something like it. Keep clean. Use a peri bottle beside warm sea to rinse after every bathroom break. Do not scrub! You might want to talk to the nurse within your MD's office merely to make sure. Congrats on your hot baby and Good luck.

Just wondering why would my doctor want to transport me to a thyroid specialist if my blood work came put money on fine?

Go see the doctor honey, of even a nurse. It happened to me but when i get my molars taken out, but it got dont consent to that happen to you.

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