Is it secure to donate blood during one's menstrual cycle?


Do u make fun of ur friends when they enjoy PMS?

It should be alright.

I'd also like to record to whoever it was who claimed your time was not made up of blood - yes, it is, it's simply blood that have been pool liner the uterus for a period of days, and is excess.

How do i know if i even ovulate?

If you acquire heavy period, I wouldnt do it, as you might be more prone to fainting etc. I'd skulk a week. But if they are light, you might be OK. Ask your doctor or the nurses at the donating facility.

What does it be set to if you have clots contained by your period?

Yes! Your time is NOT blood. But rather the shedding of the facing of your uterus.

You may however want to get within a little extra iron and protein that daylight.

How long should you have eggwhite cervical mucus?

Usually yes, the blood edge will do a finger stick, to check your iron, if it's too low, they'll tell you to come rear.

I haven't had my extent in 4 months what do i do?!?!?

I would articulate so, and the donor station will check your blood to make sure it's protected to donate by a finger stick.

Your period is shedding of the unused uterine it's all "surplus" I don't reflect there'd be a problem.

How can I ask this?

Yes. They also do a rapid check for anemia before taking it, so you will be fine.

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