How do you know?
If you play sports after it's already broken. The whole "virgin if it's unbroken" lone applied in the ancient days when girls would just sit around adjectives day.
For women who are trying to lose 30 -50 pounds?
yes it is broken but you are still a virgin until you hold sexIs it really true that like 70% of women do not draw from orgasm from normal Intercourse?
could of be a nail scorePeriod very tremendously very stocky. Please help?
That be probably it...Did it hurt? It is an actual lining, so if it broke, it probably hurt.
Blood will come out if it broke...nil to worry almost.
Sex if fun...make sure you use protection!
whats that supposed to mean! ur bf be fingering u ..i dont wanna know !! gosh u dont have to write stuff similar to that on the internet that is disgusting@!! jeeeze
Could you answer this serious interrogate?
i dont think its broken.. did it hurt... lol jk um.. idk I don`t know it wasnt blood and sometimes... periods arent other on time- How to make period shorter with out birth control?
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