I am a guy who just needed to ask the gals why they quality the need to answer question in the mens robustness side?

I would never dispense advice to a woman roughly speaking her vagina...'cause I don't hold one. And I am pretty sure the ladies wouldn't want to hear it from a guy. Honestly.we really don't care if you overhear something on guy stuff.just curious. Much respect ladies. Tom.

Ladies how tons are over the age of 35 and would like to stop thier term?

There are alot of educated women who answer these question and who have experienced it near husbands boyfriends etc.Im pretty sure you would answer the question more or less the females vagina if she were your womanly asking the question.Most men will hold female guidance same with the womanly taking mens advice.This is the explanation for the site open to adjectives gender.If its a problem start your own for men just.

Does running get rid of cellulite?

health experts are trained to treat and diagnose conditions regardless of sexual category. some of the responders have more training than basically personal experience. if you really want an accurate answer to your question, ask your doctor.

Is 9 kids to much but i want more?

what if a woman considered necessary to get an answer something like her vagina or breasts, perhaps a concern beside how they are and wanted a man comments?, after all every woman i know have a vagina, but we don't go around looking at other women's, so how could we compare, how would we know we are majority.
lots of men have concerns over their penis size, wouldn't it more beneficial for a woman to tender her input and tell him how it is from out pov?
if i considered necessary a question answered i would make the acquaintance of answers from any gender, acquaintance is power

Anatomy ? What is function of pubic hair? Is it similar to an appendix, just obsolescent ?

Why, because if it was gone up entiely to men the questions wouldn't seize answered. First you have feminine doctors, and nurses that are MORE qualified then most men to answer question in men's vigour. Second, we are mothers, wives and sisters. I have 2 sons, an ex husband, and a fiance. I quality qualified to answer some questions that realte to thngs I've deal with. Thirds, why is it that SOME men choose to pop into a sexual put somebody through the mill specifically requesting answers from women only and formulate foul comments.?

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