What happen when?

What happens when you run to get a pelvic exam?....Its my first appt and I don't know what they do..Please facilitate...

Weird question?

They throroughly perceive your breasts for lumps, and this is usually not uncomfortable, although it is for a time weird.

You stick your foot up in foot holders so that your legs are up and apart, and the examiner can sit between your legs.

They inspect your outside parts, and afterwards smear them with lubricant. They insert a tool that open your vagina, it may be cold, and there is pressure when it open. It can be uncomfortable - if it is, squeak. they can adjust it smaller.

Sometimes they put a finger in your bringing up the rear to check around your innards, this is not painful, but it is unnatural.

Expect to have to wipe up lubricant, and later to have to wipe stale more of it later. Wear underpants.

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My first time and all the times are not too suitable. But you
should go here and while being examed, regard as about something else. Your mind can dance many places once you work
on it.

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It is a bit uncomfortable as the doctor have to put a metal thing that looks approaching a duck's bill into your vagina to open it up and know how to look inside, swab for tests and such. The doctor will also enjoy to palpate your insides to check your uterus and ovaries for any signs of abnormalities. It shouldn't hurt and if you are afraid ask for a womanly nurse or a trusted female friend/relative to be present and hold your mitt. Unfortunately it is a part of time and it is extremely necessary for your condition as many life-threatening conditions can be caught hasty through the pelvic exam.

Is it possible to get paralyzed during sexual intercourse (what if your partner hits your sciatic nerve)?

They will do a pelvic,rectal and breast exam.Nothing that will hurt,but the rectal and pelvic exam will be a bit uncomfortable.Don't verbs you will be fine.

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