Late length? could I be pregnant?

I'm on the nuva ring, so there's no randomness that I missed a dose, but I had unprotected sex 22 days ago. I'm on the week where on earth I leave the ring out to own a period, but it's a light of day and a half unpaid. I have be stressed out lately (fighting with my ex-boyfriend and drinking a lot) and enjoy also lost almost 20 lbs in the final month and a half. Could I be pregnant? or is my extent late for other reason?

Help with contaception?!?

It could be because of stress.


You could also be pregnant. No contraceptive is 100% efficient.

But, most likely its because of the stress and your drinking.

Ladies Only: Aunt Flo?

there is a luck you could be pregnant but, sometimes ppl get it really untimely or really late it purely depends on how your cycle is (regular or irregular)

I need to know..?

You could possibly be pregnant but the substance loss and stress could have played a part of the pack in the lateness...or perchance your just have an irregular period

I simply found out today I have cervical dysplasia. Should I be worried?

How long own you been on the Nuvaring? If you're hot to it, your body will take some time to bring used to it.

Most women don't ovulate when they're on birth control. The horomones trick your body into THINKING you've ovulated, building up the uterine lining, and next shedding it during your "off" week. Of course, there's other a possibility, because abstinence is the singular 100% foolproof method, but from the sounds of it, it sounds like its probably stress related.

If you're worried, linger a few more days, then get hold of a PG test at a dollar store. They're a short time ago as accurate and not as expensive.

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