Does pueraria mirifica work?

Hi, does pueraria mirifica increase your breast size? has anyone taken this supplement, I've hear it can cause breast cancer, is this true? im thinking of taking it as I really want to blow up my breasts without have surgery, please help


Is ths true about heavy people?

No it doesn't work at adjectives.

Read my lips, this does not work for anyone!

Sorry this is another nouns of worthless flim-flam designed to relieve you of your money!

In the few weeks I have be answering 'Health Answers' I have have my eyes really opened. I have no idea that such a elevated percentage of the population are so naive as to believe surrounded by the myths, potty patent medicine,illegal drugs,improperly purchased prescription only drugs, charlatans and in recent times plain crooks, purporting or pretending that they can fix them.

Birth Control? or No birth control?

Get pregnant, that usually works a treat!

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