Whats the most time you enjoy to hang about until you gain your length after an abortion?

dont answer if iyou're going to judge me or critisize me. capably i had an abortion almost 6 weeks ago and i still havent have my period. i did enjoy unprotected sex the first week after the abortion but im not sure if im pregnant or not. in shield that im not whats the longest time i have to keep on to get my interval again? and well i starte using pills so wouldnt that also affect my length cycle?? thanx...

Answers:    NO MORE UNPROTECTED SEX! but yes, the pills are probably the reason the time of year hasn't come yet. If your time doesnt come during the week of the "non effective" pills, call a doctor.
i know you told me not to do this
but you in recent times had an abortion
and consequently had unprotected sex

what is the world coming to
OMG... you have an abortion and then unprotected sex.. WHAT THE "F" is WRONG WITH YOU??
Abortion is NOT birth control, it is murder.
You are not conversant and need to receive some counseling and help.

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