My mom is on 15 different types of pills i want to know if it would be risk-free for her to try alternative medicin

it just seem like the more pills she take the worse her symptoms get

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It's tricky because alternative medication is not regulated by the FDA and hasn't really been studied surrounded by large medical studies. You never know if what you filch is going to hurt you or not.

I don't know what's wrong with your mom, however, perchance there are some lifestyle change that she can make surrounded by order to not call for some of the medications that she is on. Or, I don`t know she needs to reach a deal to her doctor to find out if there are any fluent supplements or diet changes that she can take home to get similar results.

Many relations swear by alternative medicine, but you obligation to find a physician that specializes in it and really knows what he or she is doing, or you could enjoy serious damage to your form.

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It's not normal to own to take medication for extended period of time. Alternative medicine may be capable of help, but to be out of danger you should have her see a Naturopathic Doctor and own her bring all her meds beside her.

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Perhaps you should be asking her doctor..

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This is because she is getting side effects from the other medications and she is trying unsullied ones to get rid of those side effects. First you involve to find out her medical history and what she is taking the pills for, as it can be dangerous to merely stop certain meds. Also turn with her to the doctor and insist on a enumerate of all her meds and what respectively one is for and which ones can be safely taken away. Withdrawal can be a long process depending on what the medication is. Sedatives and twinge pills are the worse. Depending on her condition, will tell you if here is alternative medicine. Even if near is not, eliminating some of the meds so she is not on so masses can also be beneficial.

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She wishes to see a physician (an actual MD with a amount, not just someone who's simply hung out a shingle) who treats beside natural remedies/homeopathic treatments. She should purloin all of her current meds near her and get the different doctor to advise her how to go and get off of them and what she should rob instead of them. It would be a VERY BAD idea to freshly quit everything cold turkey as doing so with some meds can effect heart attacks, etc. She should be advised and monitored through this.

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It depends on what her medical condition is. The thing roughly speaking alternative medicines is that they don't own the labratory data to vertebrae them up and they are sometimes inconsistent in their results. She may wind up within trouble if her condition worsens while she's trying out other remedies. Also, some herbal medicines may take action with the ones she must pinch (that don't have an herbal alternative.)

If your mother is elderly or surrounded by an altered state of mind, I would advise you to drop by her doctor with her and ask what respectively medication is for. Sometimes with elder folks they don't even know what their meds are for and may no longer suffer the symptom they were prescribed for, such as for affliction, insomnia, heartburn, etc.

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Please look into medical marijuana. I don't know what your mom's conditions are, but medical marijuana can be used to undamagingly and effectively treat many different illnesses. It is far safer than prescription drugs and have no major refusal side effects. I personally use it to treat a host of mental and physical ailments, and it help greatly with ALL of my conditions. It have gotten me off my meds, and I perceive so much better.

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This would be a tough one to answer. There are so lots instances that would come into play. I recommend if you were concerned, to contact her doctor and ask him/her. Do some research on her ailment and find out if at hand is one medicine specifically good for those patients. I would be leary of taking proposal from anyone other that the doc.

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