Morning After Pill side effects?

Nearly 2 months ago i had to thieve the morning after pill, it was taken inside 12 hours of having unprotected sex and the time after i had a street lamp period (went for something like 3 days.) Being paranoid about weather the morning after pill have worked i stressed for the next three weeks until the time my extent was due... When it didnt arrive i contracted to have a pregnancy oral exam, which showed up as negative, that be a relief, but still in that was no term. As of three days ago i started what i thought was my length but all it have been is some spotting.

Im really worried something like the whole situation and only want to know if it is a normal side effect...


Nair or shaving?

The rule of thumb in these situations is that you should see a doctor if you don't acquire your period inside six weeks after you take the emergency contraception. So phone up your doctor and see if you need to come contained by for a checkup. The fact that you are have some bleeding is an encouraging sign... you could probably wait a few days and see if you return with a more typical period previously calling your gyno.

But yes, it is a normal side effect. You deeply OD'd on the birth control pill, and your hormonal levels (particularly if you are sensitive to that sort of thing) may embezzle a while to come back to majority.

Help me please it is important!?

the morning after pill can mess beside your next 2-3 cycles, it's call throwing a spanner in mother natures work...

I am 18..but i am only just 5ft.i want to grow talli want you to suggest some natural methods?

its undemanding to worry and whoever sold you the med should own told you what to expect, very discouraging of their part!

the m.a.p is necessarily a high dose pill that redirect the sperm and ova and discourages the egg from being fertilized and from implant. it basically does what a usual daily pill does, but you draw from given high level becuase it needs to work rapid! You should get your length as normal but you can return with some spotting earlier than expected- so that be normal for you to get hold of spotting the next sunshine. It is common for your period to be a bit different for a while because most things relating to periods come to pass due to signals from hormones and when they are at different levels different things begin. when you took the m.a.p you put a very big dose (1500mcg of Levonorgestrel in soon compared to 150mcg a day i.e. in the average combined contraceptive pill) into your body so it may give somebody a lift a while for your bodies own cycle of hormone levels to be a foil for out. The high amount of hormones also tale for the nausea and vomiting side effects of the m.a.p

however, to put your mind at ease conceivably go to the doctor (who can be 100% correct) and bring back a test done which can relay you for sure so you can stop worrying. :)

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