Strange cycle... something serious?

This month, I had a ordinary period (4 days). Then, 5 days latter, I started bleeding again and have be consistently bleeding for the past 8 days straight. The flow is really pallid at times, then heavier at others, but never like peas in a pod as a "normal" cycle. I've got a doctor's appointment programmed for the 21st of this month, but I am very worried and am going to try to achieve in to see someone sooner. Anyone else have this happen? This is markedly, very undercooked for me as my cycles are generally exactly 27 days. Also, I should donate that this is putting a huge damper on me & my husband's attempts to conceive our first child. Any thoughts?

What is the diffrence?

We see this a lot where on earth I work. It usually is just a one time point and a lot of times be chalked up to stress. Is at hand something different going on in your life? Have you moved, have anything traumatic happened. Maybe purely the fact that you are trying to conceive is stressing your body out. Even dutiful things like have a baby and getting married can inflict stress on yourself. I wouldn't worry too much roughly it. If you start to bleed so heavily that you are soaking more than a pad an hour or if you become dizzy or thin then take to your doctor right away. Your body will hopefully just regulate itself soon and hopefully you will be going to the doctor for a pregnancy audition soon! Good luck!!

Girls Puberty !?

it happened to me. it happen because of hormones in the pill. i enjoy stopped the pill and hit has not happen since.
the hormones mess up the body. you are fine. don't worry but see a doc if it happen again next month. you might hold a cyst.

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