PMDD: Is it possible?

Each month, from the time I ovulate until my period, I am wracked beside very angry emotion and terrible thoughts (for no purpose whatsoever), I feel resembling I can't eat enough-even when I discern FULL, I am still looking for something to eat, and I own no energy to exercise (which I in general do 5x a week), I will typically miss a day or so from work because I haven't the get-up-and-go to go.

Someone suggested vitamin B, and I've be taking that for 10 months (minor help), but this is really effecting my day to hours of daylight life-it seems I am a different human being until I get my extent, then I return to human being a happy individual. Could this be PMDD? I used to get crampy a bit past, but this is much much more severe than that.

How and what do you use to masturbate?-for girls?

Yes it could be. I would suggest calling your ob/gyn. They recommend you go on birth control or birth control and anti-depressant. Seeing as though I hold been surrounded by your shoes the birth control worked the best for me and I had no entail for the anti-depressants. Consult your doctor to find out what is right for you.

Havent had time of year in three within months is this bad??

It indeed sounds like it could be hormones. Make an appointment beside your doctor; he/she can do a simple blood test (well it would be a series of test, actually over the course of several weeks) to determine what's going on next to your hormones.

The doctor may prescribe a BCP called YAZ or Yasmin; both hold been FDA approved to treat extreme PMS and PMDD (and are the lone ones that have be granted approval to do so). I think too at hand may be a drug in the anti-depressant category that also is prescribed specifically for PMDD, but I'm not sure.

Either mode, definitely fashion that appointment and get things checked out.

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