Does the plan b (the morning after pill) gross you infertile is you use is it more than once and as continuous?


I have be having really impossible cramps since Saturday.?

It is not advisable to us plan b would need to ask the doctor that is to say presdribing it to you the effects of using it continuoulsy. Here is the plan b site if you would rather do it this way

It have all the info you will ever stipulation on the pill. Hope this helps

What is the best passageway to reduce the look of stretch results?

Yes, but you cannot use it continually.

Help please from anyone and anybody?

Why dont you use plan A ,( the night earlier no)

My big problem?

Probably not enough background on this in this country due to the reality is has not be used for long here.

Check France

Has anyone had bleeding in between period lasting 12 days?

Probably not. It is only a large dose birth control pill.

Do you prefer a masculine or female gyno?

if you have need of plan b morethan once then you requirement to check your sexual habits.. walk on the pill...and plan b doesnt stop STD.s or HIV... there NO plan b for that... start making better choices..

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