I'm on my time, and boy is it a doomed to failure one
And, in case theres any guys, what do you do to abet your girlfriend/wife when these bad periods come along?
Answers: Lay down relax its a run of the mill thing, drink lots of milk and if possible clutch multivitamins. You could also buy ThermaCare for Cramps heat is the best natural treatment there is. Take some advil and watch some chick flix near some friends they'll understand what your going through
- Ashlee Erin w/ <3
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I know just how you get the impression, I have all these pains every time I hold my period, unfortunately you cant do much, bring a paracetamol and go to sleep it wears bad soon.
Also Doing Sport has been particular to help period pains one and only if you are up for it though. Doing crunches sometimes helps me beat cramps and is really pious for bloating. You can also get dressed in warm-ish clothes (like a long-sleeve top and sweat shorts) and return with under the covers or put on a heat wad under your shirt..
go to the spa...i love the spa