Collecting sanitary towels!?

The other day, I established to have a apex in one of my girlfriends’ drawers whilst she be in the shower, and it freshly so happened to be the drawer where on earth she keeps her sanitary products. I be about to close it when I notice two or three used tampons and one used sanitary towel in the drawer.

Thus my grill. Why did she have used tampons and towels contained by the drawer? Surely she would have only thrown them away when she was finished near them? Is there any source why she would need to hang on to them, or was it only her being laid-back when changing products?

I would ask her, but I don’t extremely want her to know I was snooping. Thanks for any minister to.

Brown Vaginal Discharge normal?

Yuk, i.e. unsanitary. Old blood will stink up the place, so I am assuming, it's probably still fresh and she just hide them there when you come in, because she may be mortified to dispose of them properly with you within the house. But it doesn't make any sense, since tampons can be flushed down the toilet. It's the pad she can't flush. They'd have to be wrapped any in the platic pouch they come in or some toilet broadsheet or paper towl and thrown into the trash. In any case, what are you doing snooping in her drawer while she is taking a shower? Are you current to this relationship? Her behaviour is as strange as yours; however, if you want to save this relationship going anywhere you need to stay out of her personnel belongings. On the other appendage, if you ever do "find" something like this again, you do hold reasons for doubt. You hold two choices here, either you ask her in the region of it and risk being "caught" for snooping or you agree to this one fly and see how things go from here on out. I would ask, if I be you, cause it newly doesn't seem ordinary behaviour, but it really all depends on how ably you know one another. For real, keeping used feminine products in a drawer is plain disagreeable. Sorry if I can't help you but short further info, I just don't know how to assistance. Come back and tolerate me know if you find out more and I might be able to help out you then... Take fastidiousness and more importantly, be careful. BTW - you said within the beginning that you have a peak within "one" of your gf's drawers. Do you mean one of her drawers or one of your girlfriends? Are you sure you denote girlfriend or just feminine acquaintance? There is a big difference. Well, you own a nice day, MsB.

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Just forget about it. That's what you draw from for snooping. LOL

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that is not something someone should keep produce they stink after using them. maybe she didn't want to put it within the garbage because she thought that you might see them. i would ask her i'm sure she didn't have a sneaking suspicion that that you were newly lying there on the bed adjectives the time while she showered.
girls know that guys like to snoop around within there rooms.

Breast escalation?

Sounds like to me she is newly being apathetic. That is a gross habit that she is developing. I would ask her though.

Girls Only please!! What's wrong beside me!!?

Well.. thats disgusting that she keeps used products.. I can't construe of a logical answer as to why someone would keep used tampons or pad... GROSS

What do u think?

Ewww!! That is totally gross! If you can come up beside a pretty good pull the wool over your eyes of what you needed and thought it was at hand go ahead and mention it. But what does that say aloud about her. That's only just nasty, why would she liberate disgusting, rotting blood? Oh, you could tell her at hand was a foul smell coming from the drawers and say you thought in attendance could have be a dead mouse or something. But what in the world would she collect them for? Nothing. No reason to accumulate that disgusting stuff. Tampons are flushed, pads surrounded by the trash. Enuff said. Your girl has literally gotta verbs up her act or jump. What else does she do your not aware of? Totally gross. I feel desperate for you.

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maybe she was feeling guilty to throw them into a bin while you were near and might see them and thought it was far safer to stash them in her drawer since it be her private space and you wouldn't come across them.ask her and let us know i am intrigued now

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Thats ewwww!! ask her y? not that ur snooping around a moment ago like something reek!

Need help on a ** problem..?

If your girlfriend is collecting the used products purposeful, that would be very bizarre. I cannot think of a function that someone would need to (or want to) do that. When I be like 11 I used to lug out my tampons when I was within bed and put them behind the bed, but that be really gross and disgusting of me...

My guess is that she had to money her tampon or pad belatedly at night and get confused. Another reason woud be that used tampons clog her toilet. Maybe she be on the toilet, opened the drawer to coppers her tampon, but needed to set the used tampon aside to throw in a wastebasket. It's complicated, but plausible.

I hope I help!

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