What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas?

i'm 5 months pregnant and noticed a discharge on my panty liner that be a yellowish color and it burns after sex. serious answers only


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The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are vaginal discharge and odor. Usually, there are no other symptoms. The amount of vaginal discharge that is to say considered normal vary from woman to woman. Therefore, any degree of vaginal discharge i.e. abnormal for a hard to please woman should be evaluated.

About half of women next to bacterial vaginosis actually enjoy no symptoms at all. The next of kin experience an unpleasant fishy odor with vaginal discharge. The discharge is usually grayish white

also near Tich it itcy's really bad

Anyone beside interstitial cystitis, IC?

bv has a yellowy d/c w/ a foul odor any fishy or sour. there can be itch and burn but it doesnt own to be there. your dr can do a try-out (its called a see test) where they in fact take a example of your d/c and smell it. then they will look at it below a microscope. both need to be treated ASAP esp since you are preg. if gone untreated it can cause premature labor and complications during your preg.
trich usually have a green d/c and odor
i would make an appt for the dr asap to see what it is.

Is this mundane?

Well i have have bacterial vaginosis a couple of times. It had a fishy odor, especially after sex ,also some discharge but it be not itchy...

Vaginal Discharge?

I had bacterial vaginosis a few months ago. I have some excess discharge and I did have some itching and discomfort. The closest point I could compare the feeling to be a yeast infection. I did have a moment or two discomfort with sex. I have trichomonas years ago but I remember having really similar symptoms. If I have to guess which of the two you more than likely own it would be bacterial vaginosis because I distinctly remember the discharge with the other be almost a green color as gross as that sounds.

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