I Had An Abortion But Now I Have Regrets?

I just call for some one who i can talk to because i consistency so sad I see other women next to their babies and i just break down crying i cant even sit 30 mins next to out cryin or thinking about wat could own been it's individual been 2 weeks since my surgery and i be aware of like butchery myself i really think i did the wrong even though i know it be best since I'm young and they father is young(17) and he already have 2 babies by different girls and 2 more on the way but contained by my mind i wanna go out and receive pregnant again just because i get the impression like i lost apart of me a child growing in me my flesh and i kill it i cryed during the surgery too well until i be asleep but still can some one please just grant me some encouraging words to help me return with over this and on with my time i m me at tnap864mm

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I've had an abortion also. I have mine about 3 yrs ago. Till this date I am other sorry about getting it. I've other felt that if you are grown adequate to get pregnant you are grown ample to raise it until I myself get put i that situation. You see I got rid of mine because I be in an offensive relationship and the guy effected my babe-in-arms. SO I got rid him and the fetus. 3 yrs then I am married with a tot girl. Keep in mind adjectives of the years in between I would look at family with childen and almost want to cry. I alway use to articulate that was suppose to be me, but beside time and only time I literary that everything happens for reason and the reason I never know until I finally had my own. Back next it wasnt time for me to have a kid. Yes I still wish that here was a different instrument for me to go around the abortion but if I wouldnt of gotten one I wouldnt be where on earth I am in vivacity today. Girl you have adjectives your life to live, you hold a future. I assume that you need to be merciful with trying to obtain pregnant again. If you were to take pregnant today it wouldnt change what you did 2 weeks ago. Try your hardest to verbs with your time. DO something that will help you surrounded by your future and will prepare you so that when you are all set to have a tot you will be happy and thrilled around the situation. Live your life for the adjectives, prepare for happiness, smile at the world. Because energy is has so much to bestow to you the world is so beautiful. Open your eyes and see how much is out in attendance before you try to concur what most women are startled of and lots concur. SMile you are not the only one that have been through this situation. You are infantile and you will have another karma.

About him dont want to talk down on him but dont you believe you should try for someone better. Because you can do bad by yourself. Live your natural life girl there are better things out within. Alot more fish in the the deep. I hope you feel better. ANd if it takes time to catch over life varying events.

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This is hard to answer.you can't ask someone nearly this. This is very personal. Me intuitively...I've never been pregnant but I would never get hold of an abortion. I don't mean to nouns mean, but you should've live up to your responsiblities. You made a mistake, you should've kept your newborn and not kill it over something you did. I know this is concrete (i had a friend who go through the same thing) but I am NOT for abortion

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I have an abortion in Sept at age 17, the father be 17 as well, & although at times I be aware of bad in the region of my choice I still know it was the right entity. I cryed beofre they puyt me to sleep & I woke up yelling the father name. I quality what you are feeling alot more than what I thought it would, & frankly it will single get better next to time & lots of it. You will revice alot of mean sprited answers, but plz relize hurting yourself or getting pregnant again is NOT the course. Please email me, rashley626@yahoo if you would like to articulate. I had no1 to help out me & I would like to give a hand you in anyway I can, even if it is a moment ago to say I've be there, you aren't a bleak person, & plz merely keep on the right track. I will articulate you may need to muse about birth conrol, I get the shot & I wish I have done if before I get pregnant.


You poor thing. Try not to blame yourself. What's done is done and you want to forgive yourself. I am not particularly and promoter for abortion, but with your situation you described I cannot articulate that I would not of done the same item. You are so young and you want to try and move on near your life. You may also want to consider going to a type of group psychoanalysis where you can carry your feelings out. You are not a bleak person for what you own done. I think it would back if you could find someone to talk next to like you suggested. If you want, you can I.M. me. Mine is [email protected]. I hope everything works out for you.

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People craft decisions base on right now, not thinking nearly the rest of their life's. First I'd ask for forgiveness from God, second I'd find a counselor. Your duration is very precious and you imply something to alot of people. Killing yourself is VERY careless. Think about adjectives the people you'd hurt, and the loss that they'd suffer. Moreover, your exalted and you have a greater purpose here within this life. You'll be a mother when it's designed to be! We are our own tomorrows- look toward the rest of your life. Make peace near yourself, LOVE yourself, forgive yourself, and surround yourself with population who love and care for you.

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Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I can sympathise near you because I've been in that myself.It is something that will never leave you, though next to time the pain will go by. It has singular been 2 weeks, so everything's still fresh in your mind. Stay near the thought that you did the right thing for yourself, don't verbs that the father has heaps of children - remember he doesn't own to bring them up and care for them, as you would enjoy done. I only regret man put in that position to enjoy to make that conclusion - one foolish night of agitation got me pregnant. Even though I be with my next partner, our future be insecure (we were both just 17 at the time). I feel I made the right choice for me.I be raised contained by a very strict home, and would not hold had much support - my father would own thrown me out on the street. You may not believe things will get better, but trust me, slowly they will. You will be capable of go on beside your life, and I don`t know one day know how to have other children. I remember speaking to one of the women waiting in the clinic that morning truism she's been in attendance before (this be her second procedure!) and I was determined that this be only going to occur to me ONCE. So make sure you're on birth control, because once is a mistake, twice is person irresponsible. Hope this helps. If you necessitate to talk. e-mail me. Good luck near your future plans..it will find better.

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keep on keepin on thats water below the bridge you can hate yourself as much as you want but its not gonna swing that it happened the best piece you can do now is speak out against abortion its devastating and ridiculous that its legal

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sorry but i do hav 2 say this would u really want to enjoy a baby to a 17yr weak male who already have 2 kids and 2 more on the way?

you hav done the right piece 4 urself and only time will create a difference to how u r feeling at the moment, you will realise then in existence that it is not what you wanted, expecially bcoz u hav said u r youthful.

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i know how you quality bcuz i had an abortion 2 approaching 3and a half years ago and i do still consistency really bad i be 17 now im 22 and i enjoy a beautifil daughter she is gonna be 2 this and you know things happen for a explanation youll be okay

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Listen hun, you did what you thought be best at the time. That is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

I'm always contained by a deep sleep and when i rouse up in the morning my length is all over the place and my wipe is to

Don't feel unpromising. Yes I can understand why you are upset and it is going to be knotty for a while, but your really did the right thing. You are babyish, Please don't be upset because I don't know you.. but I'm going to just enunciate.. You are young, you would own had problems supporting the child, you would not want ot human being geting up every hour on the hour for the child.. the baby would filch time out of your life and you could not as oodles things anymore. Every waking hour would jump to the child, you are young you don't stipulation that right now you enjoy school and such you are still geting your go togather.. you don't want to being bring a unmarked life into on that you don't enjoy set up yet. You did the right entity. Like I siad it will hurt for a while... you might always touch regrets, but just know you did the right point for you and the baby. I am not wise saying you would be a bad mom I am only just saying you be not ready.. its better to not bring a time into the world if you know you can not take precision of it in the right ways giving it what it requirements. You have your own energy you need to sort out earlier you bring a new one surrounded by. I hope I have help you in some agency. Please take protection, and don't feel doomed to failure, you did the right thing. Take strictness.

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I know you feel outstandingly bad right immediately and I would be lying if I tell you that you will completely find over it. It has be almost 11 years since my abortion and I still have guilt issues. Just know that you did the right piece for you. Now you need to focus on your go. You deserve so much better than this and since you are young you still enjoy the chance to evolution your improve your circumstance. It be very intricate for me but I managed to finish institution and college. I am now maried to a wonderful man and hold 3 beautiful children. It will get hold of easier as time goes on. If you want to reach a deal feel free to contact me.

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