
I am 13 4foot 10 inches and i am 131 pounds. I know that i am overweight but i can't seem to stay on track next to a diet and i don't want to have to exercise too much more so some one comfort me with a diet plan that is to say healthy for a 13 year mature! I want to loose 20 pounds by August 15 for Warped tour so help me and hold on to that in mind!

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hmm you are really young to be dieting! But don't verbs I can relate I was already on diets when I be your age too...

my advice is to munch through small meals a hours of daylight...dont starve yourself!---that'll lead you to overeat and gain more immensity!

Keep your metabolism going, take a multi vitamin day after day, and eat glowing foods!

-no soda
-no fatty foods (fastfood)
-no overeating calories

just be wary of what you eat


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At 13, your body is still growing. You can't do a focal diet to lose 20 lbs at 13. If you really think you necessitate to lose that much weight, you involve to speak with your pediatrician. Going on a diet in need talking to your doctor at your age could head to bad perception of weight loss - and it could gain out of hand. It's best for you to be exercising, even though you may not want to - it's in shape for you in common and for your age! Your doctor can give you a diet plan if he think you need to lose bulk.

Till what age the woman like sex and men at what age?

If you are overweight, a diet plan isn't gonna generate you loose weight itself, it will lately help you shed pounds if you excercise. No one like to excercise, but if you wanna lose weight, explicitly the only course. You can do it thou : )

I think lone girls can ans these?

Well, after watching..some show? (Sorry, dont remember it well) it talked just about techniques to diet, primarily I just took from that what he said roughly speaking will power, that it is like a muscle, you must train it. I never even considered up to that time this show to say no, I purely grabbed it. If you see a food you want in recent times think 'I dont inevitability it..' and just look away, do treat yourself from time to time (I do). By refuse it (you may give surrounded by sometimes) you are still building up strength against the want, just want to stop MORE! ^_^

As powerfully, put meals on a smaller plate be another thing he said, so it looks approaching you are eating more.

Finally, you dont HAVE to finish an entire teatime, try and leave some vanished on your plate.

I hope this helps, but it is a bit different for me as I enjoy a dulled sense of taste (Not cheating, I own a disorder :P)

Good luck and know that it will take TIME to lose immensity, it wont happen against the clock. Just feel accurate about yourself contained by the end ^_____^

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