Virginity question...Aaahh!! anywho's my friend have lost her virginity.?

She bled the first time she did the nasty but she kept bleeding for a while bit. The bleeding stopped but then she did the ruthless again and she strated bleeding again.she thinks Im adjectives experience with this.but Im not to sure what to make clear to her .I think she might merely need more lubrication.PLease any suggestions!...her boyfriend think he is too "BIG" .but really now...lmao ...I in recent times need warning and suggestions.oh she's 20 yrs old...

Dizziness and strange nausea?

I have the same problem when I started. The Dr. told me that this happen because your hymen may not be fully opened on the first encounter. Just make sure that your are economically lubricated and tell him to be calm. By the way sometimes it also have to do with the position because contained by some positions there is a deeper and tighter infiltration which may cause you to own pain and because of the friction may cause you to bleed. You should still check beside the Dr.

If i get drunk past i lose my virginity, i won't feel the cramp right?

Where there's bleeding.. within's probably rips and tears. Sounds like she wants to look at the stituation a bit closer. Maybe get checked out?

What is the process to use pads that it does not bunch up or move freely?

Question for you...are they using condoms? if they are and they are letex she may be allergic to it...if...she should see a gyno could be serious.

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the vaginal walls can stretch to accomodate the males size. she could be too dry, maybe she should try ky. they enjoy some great new lubricating products.

also if this continues she should turn see the dr. to make sure she does not hold any other female issues.

hope this help. just my inference.


It's normal to experience soreness and some bedside light bleeding the first few times. I went in the order of 3 years without have sex. When I finally decided to do the objectionable again I had an experience fundamentally similar to my first. I experienced pain and buoyant bleeding. I do not think this is anything to be concerned going on for. After four times I would guess she should be fine.

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I would filch a wild guess and vote her hymen (Cherry) may have be somewhat still intact after the first time. Tell her to tell her B/F to be slow and thrifty until that bad carry is broke in. And for Christ Sakes convey her to make sure to use a condom preferably a lubricated one.

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She should stop if it hurts and not just permit him keep going. It take time to get used to and yes lubrication would give support to. And as far as the guy being to big, hahahahaha


That's not unusual it happen, it should clear up very soon. Nothing to verbs about. He newly needs to be kind,after all you basically lost your virginity.

Womens Problems?

This could happen when the hymen tears. Trust me this is typical.

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