If you gained weightiness while on the pill, did you lose any of it when you stopped taking it?

I've put on a fair amount of solidity while on the pill, and now I'm going bad it and I'm wondering if I will lose any of it.

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If it was the pill that be making your gain weight, logically you will lose weight--ou will see soon enough if it be that. That is, as long as you are following your normal diet and exercise routine.

the nuva ring made me gain counterbalance (i was also on anxiety pills that help that..ergg) the docs always read aloud these meds don't make you gain, but how come so masses women say they do? false exposure..

anyways, good luck!

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Unfortunately, I own been working to take my weight sour from the shot. It doesn't magically disappear like it appeared!

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I took pills for many years. When I stopped some of my immensity just fell rotten. I remember when they were prescribed for me the doctor said I shouldn't gain any weightiness so I believed him. I have other been lean and an avid exerciser but what I didn't realize is that I was have to work that much harder to keep my weightiness down, while taking the pill. Once, I stopped, what used to take hours of exercise to assert my weight, cut down to close to an hour..so yes, you'll probably loose some.
(My feet even get thinner, as if that was where on earth there be extra weight!)

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