Any information on using Xzite or other libido increasers?

My girlfriend completely loses her sex drive while on the pill, so we're trying to find ways to combat that in need taking her bad of it. Any philosophy? I've hear almost Xzite but $40 or 50 a month right very soon is deeply to spend, especially short a money-back guarantee.

Birth control?

she desires to address this issue near her Ob-Gyn doctor. Her dose may be too giant, or she may not be capable of rob the pill--I know I couldn't. There are other finances of birth-control; depo-provera comes to mind--I did that for several years (and my doc be process cool, he said as long as I be getting a shot in the butt, I might as capably catch a thrill out of it & he would throw contained by for a moment testerosterone--which is where on earth women catch their sex drive from. I be a horny little devil for several weeks after one of those shots heh-heh-heh! ;D Also, here is very soon generic "estra-test" I don't know if this is used for birth control or not, though. Good luck to the both of you!
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