My length...i wanna cry!!?

okay so its my 4th one and its never been approaching this. it spotted on wednesday and thursday. on friday it was heavier spotting and on saturday it get to where i have to actually use pad instead of liners. on saturday darkness it picked up and got REALLY immense and stayed like that on sunday and monday. economically on tuesday it was still hefty but it started to lighten up and i thought it be gonna be lighter and then boom it get REALLY heavy again. and at hand was almost zilch when i woke up then at institution around 1100 boom again it got SUPER indigestible so i went home and it be like that afterwards it got lighter resembling it was gonna stop and later i took a shower and when i got out boom again. and immediately its really heavy again. HELP ME! its really depressing me. and i hold cheerleading tryouts next week starting on monday. will it finish soon? whats it gonna do? when will it get lighter? I NEED HELP!

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lol its ok. I do the same item. One minute i will be spotting and think I am done and after I start going heavy again. It usually last 3-7 days. You will be fine by cheerleading practice.

How do you get the Stupid Tampon within?

buy some depends

What are Keg-gos?

Just hang within there. It get better. [well, kinda] It should be over by your cheerleading practice. You'll do great!

Is it true that sitting after excercising hard can end in infertility?

This is a tough question. You attain different amounts of blood each time. Have you tried to use tampons? If you enjoy cheerleading tryouts, then try the tampons. And hey, enjoy will always gross you feel better.

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Your cycle can closing anywhere from 5 days all the track up to 12 days. Not all cycles are exactly like peas in a pod, everyone is different. Your cycle flow can change, resembling the weather. So, it is best to just wear a regular pad(no liners) and consequently there will be no worries. And I also suggest varying your pad every few hours. This ensure you are clean, and for the most slice dry.

To the ladies, have you/do you use an IUD and does insertion hurt?

It should achieve lighter in the subsequent day or so. Since its one and only your 4th one, your body is still pretty out of wack with the in one piece period entry.

In the mean time, IBprofin reduce cramps which lightens your flow, as well as provides spasm relief

Also, your period can appear heavier when you've be sitting/laying down for a while then stand up because the uterus have still been shedding the inside layer but it hasn't been coming out.

I don't know if you are comfortable using tampons, but those would be the best bet for you during cheerleading tryouts. If not, later you can use a pad, but you might want to wear 2 pairs of underwear, in recent times to keep it snug so you dont overrun.

I'm sure it will end soon don't worry


Mood swings?

Alright, Alright, die already. You lone got another 40 years moved out, oops, make that 50:-)

Does your length hurt?

Yes, it should be gone by next week. Periods commonly last around 6 days. If you've lone had 3 in the past, then they might've be light to initiate with... and I'm guessing that where on earth you will end up... is somewhere contained by between the flow of this one, and the previous ones. Not light, but not super solid. Are you taking anything for the cramps? Ibuprofen works very economically. And if you need to, hop contained by the shower multiple times a day... it doesnt denote you have to pilfer full on showers multiple times a day, but only just rinsing feels correct after being stuck near a pad adjectives day. I tend to hop within and rinse each time I money my pad when I'm at home, but that's newly me lol. And if youre out, you can carry travel newborn wipes to use surrounded by your purse.

It's good that you hold track of your periods, I never used to do that. My doctors other told me to, to put a little dot on the calendar on the year i started and the day i stopped. but i could never be bothered lol. It will particularly help for adjectives reference to see how your period were contained by the past, so hang on to that up!

Who do you get the morning after pill from?

Periods are confusing and un predictable. It is ordinary to have a interval with different flow amounts. usually they start remarkably light afterwards become very large for a couple of day's next will tapper off. Certain entity's like lay down or sitting for long periods of time will motive the bleeding to appear like it have stopped but as soon as you get up and start moving around it most probable re appears. periods usually second 3-4 days but can last up to a week. I would check next to a medical professional if this continues longer than two weeks.

What is this pain? aid!?

well since you just started your have an irregular period which is impeccably normal. i know it looks resembling your period is never going to finish. but it will and wait a few more months to take your period regular. and i regard by monday youll be blood free. different peoples periods ending from 1 to 8 days. so just suspend in near.

Another period contained by 2 weeks?

well being merely your fourth one, its hard to explain to what they are going to be like. it usually take a year or two to get a constant spell.
okay here is another tip:
if you havent already started to use tampons, now is a well-mannered time. my mom wanted to aid me with the tampon entity but i was similar to NOW WAY, and i just fallowed the directions and it worked out all fine.
for the heavier ones use super, or the sports ones (they work great, even though i dont play any sports, but it would be angelic for your cheerleading)

Embaressing Question?

Maybe your just over Reacting? or Maybe you inevitability to go to the doctor if it doesnt slow down or stop when the 1week is up.. Some girls enjoy periods longer next they should and something is wrong.

How do you know if you may need to find your tonsils removed?

im guessing your period will be over by your tryouts, but newly to let you know..when i started, my extent was dont sweat it, i dont really feel its unusual because when i was younger i remembering mine going crazy similar to that and my flow was really stocky ...once, to the point where i bled through at academy...badly, i tried tying a sweater around my waist, and it bled rather through there be bad. lol. (i be only 9 or 10..i started hasty >.<) and now im 17, its not hard by as bad as it be when i first started. so just relax..

its sometimes complex to determine what your period will do, but it should call a halt pretty soon..

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lol you poor girl!

First off your babyish, your body is changing and these things crop up. Irregularities are very adjectives in youthful women.

For now, buy a multi pack of tampons Tampax have a large box of multiplicity. Use the Super absorbency and a thinner pad for include protection. when it get lighter use a surrounding substance absorbency but still use a thinner pad for added protection. This will also sustain in not fear so gross!

If it is still there for you tryouts a short time ago change it past your tryout , don't use the pad. After the tryout money it again and use the pad.

If your bleeding persist over two weeks you really should go to an OBGYN right away. Ask your mom, grandma, or elder sister about making an appointment. You should not shame this problem.

In the fure to help regulate your period eat capably and exercise regulary. You also should make an appoint next to an OBGYN to see about what you could do to sustain. Many times they will suggest birth control. Birth control is not just for protecting against pregnancy.

There are frequent advantages to being on the pill, regular period are one them. Tell you mom (or who ever your female influence is) going on for it. Hopefully she will understand and abet you make an appointment. OBGYN's are honourable natured doctors that can help you beside all your private woman problems. Trust them they know more about your body next you do.

If you do go on Birth control within the end this is not a free pass by to become sexually active. That's a undamaged another mom talk! :)

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