Why do inhabitants deliberate underage sex is discouraging?

technically, you are supposed to start having sex once you hit puberty, which is like 12. i ruminate that if you are mentally and physically ready, you should be able to! 'underage sex' is lately something someone made up, as their opinion! I'm 14, and not saying i'm going to own sex, because i'm not ready, but if you are, you should go for it, merely if you are 100% sure you will have no regrets, and you won't mind the realistic aspect of pregnancy or STDs and its because its something you want. People a short time ago look down on people and call them skanks and ect. ect. but the truth is, we own hormones, and just because some people of late can't resist nature's calling, they are mocked by society, and its wrong!

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The bad things about underage sex is something you will not have a handle on until you are around thirty and think back on what you did or didn't do at 12 or 14. Not single are you not emotionally or physically ready to deal beside the complications most pregnant and parenting teenagers become a load on society that is already overtaxed near problems that could have been prevented. Yes, your hormones shift crazy when you are a teenager, you actually own them since birth, they just change your body once you verbs puberty. Puberty is a very demanding time on your body and your development into a youthful adult. Most girls I know that got pregnant past their 18th birthday were looking as if they were 35 in the past they were 25. Since you don't allow your body to fully develope before you expose it to the stresses of sex, pregnancy, the mental stress on weather you get pregnant or not causes your body to mature so quick that the natural development cycle is sent to hell and you age intensely fast.

Most the girls I've worked with that get pregnant and decided to have an abortion because they be too young to care for a babe live a life of regret. Not only for have killed their first child but because they are now afraid of have another baby, or their abortion whent so bad that presently they can't have a baby due to the reduce to rubble done to their reproductive organs.

Then there is the fact that most pregnant teens train up giving up school and their studies go to hell too.
Again, you will not work out this until you are an adult capable of responsible valid thinking.

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Puberty doesn't indicate biological readiness for sex!! Its not an opinion or something someone made up. Have you see 12 year olds, they're nuts. Puberty is a bad time for sex because of hormonal imbalances and nouns. Plus they're not educated of mature. You hold to love the person you're having sex beside, this just doesn't happen at 12, mentally, nor physically/biologically. Its call underage sex for a reason, why don't you just administer a 12 year old a beer?!?!?!?!?!?! Its the same primary principal.

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I agree to a point but I think underage sex comes with responsible. You hold be able to suffer the consequences if a underage women becomes pregnant. When ethnic group look down on "underage sex" is because if there is a chance of pregnancy how can somebody below age $ support and be mature enough to filch care of child when in its self that personality is a child there self. I understand that you hold needs but is it worth the risk pregnancy, stds, hiv?... It's best to wait till you come across the right person that you have a nouns with. not to just hold sex so you can say you've done it

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well, i sensitive of agree
i am 14 and i have never had sex, but i am VERY close near my bf and if i do, i will deff use a condom. but our society kids are maturing more and more because of all the hormones in adjectives the foods now days.

but i kind of agree. i guess that parents also don't want their kids have sex because a:they could get preggo b:they could get HIV or an STD c: they don't want their babies growing up

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I'm 22.

First time i have sex was 14.

Sex is suppose to be this beautiful point between two people, and at times it can be. It's a part of duration, and everyone does it... So i say whatever, be in motion for it. Don't go around having sex beside all different people...
Know your partner.. Don't get attached.. And you'd be fine.

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I think plentifully of people hear about STD's. and they guess "Oh, that won't happen to me..." so they go out and stroke careless, then wrapping up up with something they can't get rid of for the rest of their lives. Most younger teens/adults imagine they are invincible and "it won't happen to them..."

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If you are ready and you really love the party you are with, the moment is right and you have a condom, move about ahead. Seriously. people need to swot that std's and children don't happen nearly as much as without.

Ekk what is that??

i agreeee.
economically, kind of.
some people of late do it when their young to try to be cool or something. i think its okay to do it whenever you want, but you HAVE to be set.

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i actuallyy agree with u.
i guess i never really thought about since but i like your thoughts.
im 14 too so i understandd


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masturbation was made for teenagers.

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It's not roughly people thinking you are a skank, it is about self ready for the responsibilities of sex. Some kids are more mature than others I will provide you that, but sex carries many morale and possible outcomes (such as pregnancy and STD's) that someone that age just isn't equipped to handle. When you are mature enough to know that love is patient class and that love waits, then those individuals are ready to begin a sexual relationship.

And where on earth did you get info that at age 12 you are "supposed to"? Apparently that theory ISN'T supported, or you wouldn't be asking on here why EVERYBODY looks down on it...

Ok I saw you answered this beside a response of your own...You were comparing things to "back contained by the day..." but back surrounded by the day, people's life span be like 40-50 they had to cram alot of vivacity into a short period of time (we generally don't, we own a long time for sex and babies), they were much more mature because they have greater responsibilites at young ages, and they were also other surrounded by family that helped out...

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