Someone help out!! i dont know whats wrong with me...i havent have a period surrounded by 3 months and it cant be pregnancy...

yeah. since my last extent ive gained similar to 10lbs.been drinking profoundly of water, and own been sweating.and going to the bathroom seriously. tonight, i had to use the bathroom solid bad, so i go. an hr later, my uterus feel heavy and it hurts valid bad! should i turn to the doctor? whats going on...i do have PCOS, so conceivably this can be it?

What's wrong with my breast?

Hope this help you:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition most often characterized by irregular menstrual period, excess hair growth and flabbiness, but it can affect women in assorted ways. Irregular or heavy period may signal the condition in young adulthood, or polycystic ovary syndrome may become apparent latter when a woman has difficulty becoming pregnant.
The signs and symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome stem from a disruption in the reproductive cycle, which in general culminates each month beside the release of an egg from an ovary (ovulation). The name polycystic ovary syndrome comes from the appearance of the ovaries contained by some women with the disorder — massive and studded with numerous cysts (polycystic). These cysts are follicles, fluid-filled sac that contain immature eggs.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most adjectives hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age in the United States, affecting an estimated 5 percent to 10 percent. Early diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome can aid reduce the risk of long-term complications, which include diabetes and heart disease.

Great video on PCOS:

Ad breast implants on sit, one seem ok the other is swollen profoundly more anyone know why?

i have PCOS too. progress to doc, and get tested. YOu may own to take meds to own a period.

Is it usual for your jaws to get bigger from the time your 14 to 20-ish????

MD ASAP! You come across to be having diabetes symptoms and something else to step along with it. Why monkey around beside your health? People on this site can't diagnose you correctly. Go to your doctor in a minute before it get any worse.

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