First term?! :/?

ok so ive had a discharged for about a year presently and my boobs are kinda small and sometimes hurt. and like 1-2 [sometimes more] times a week my belly hurts alottt! i dont have any zits or anything. im 12 almost 13 contained by 2 months and i weigh around 100 pounds. and my backhurts, and i have had pubic pelt since like last year. idk if ima own my period soon. but i need a approach to tell my mom when i do and idk what to do if i have it contained by school cus my teachers solitary let you leave the room the end 5 mins. of class.

thanks :D

I am 38weeks and my husband and I have intercourse for the first time today within weeks!?

sounds like your interval will be coming soon, let your Mom know so she can help you prepare, as far as your don goes, maybe your Mom will explain to her that you may call for to be excused if it happens at school.
If your Mom doesn't next tell the teacher yourself, so she can get, hopefully it's a woman teacher.
Good luck sweetie, don't worry, adjectives your symptoms are natural.

Skiped Period?

It might be a good opinion to carry a pad or tampon surrounded by your backpack or purse so that if you do start while at school you aren't SOL. If you do start when in class a short time ago tell your teacher that you are have some feminine problems and you really need to go to the bathroom, or speak about him/her that you aren't feeling well and entail to go to the bathroom and that it can't wait.
As far as unfolding your parents, your mom should understand if you just flat out relate her that you started.

Girls, how doomed to failure does it hurt?

tell your mom that you have be having cramps and are worried that you may be starting soon and will she buy you some supplies just contained by case. As for starting in academy I always wrote the teacher a memo that simply said " nurse ? personal emergancy ! they never said a word just handed over a exceed to go. Teachers both male and feminine have dealt next to this problem for years. Keep at least one pad contained by your purse or backpack at all time so you are no caught unprepared

If I have two period surrounded by March and the second one go over into April will I own another one contained by April?

for starters.. your teachers are bitches.
inform them your on your length.
and i just got mine too, and im 14.
TALK TO YOUR MOM. she can abet!
she's been through it all.
i dont own zits either and my boobs are like
not really small but they definately arent big.
you of late never know when its coming.
like i didnt have cramps at adjectives. and it was just
THERE sometime. if you think your about to
start.. bring pad.


Tell your teacher it's an emergency. Or pretend you are going to throw up and run out of the room. Ha, I've pulled that one a few times. I don't know how to help you on the describing your mom part, because my mom found out I had mine up to that time I had a chance to inform her.

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Okay first of all have pad in ur purse or back-pack or locker or whatever.
If it does appear during school then inform ur teacher that it's a emergancy or if it's a girl teacher explain to her the truth. She'll understand.
You need to swot to talk to ur mom about things similar to this.
When it does start just tell her that she wants to buy u more pads. She'll know.

Can i still capture pregnant?

look im 12 and i had my spell in jan. if ur school shows that puberty video later talk to ur mom about it bras, period, and puberty stuff when ur alone with ur mom cooking or just sagging out thats what i did. well if you need more relieve just email me at luskyjprincess(a)!!

Can you get hold of pregnant by have semen on your foot and going to the bathroom 30 minutes after that and wipe?

just saunter up to her and tell her. or when she goes to th store, travel with her and grab some pad and tell her "i need these"

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No one can speak exactly when a girl will get her first menstrual period, but usually girls will achieve it some time during puberty.

Some girls start puberty at age 9 or 10 where others may start as late as age 15 or 16. Each girl go at her own pace. So don't think that it's a bleak thing or that something is wrong if your friends start puberty a little earlier/later than you.

At the setting up of puberty, you'll notice that your breasts are developing and you're starting to grow a little pelt under your arms. Hair also will grow on your genitals (pubic hair). In some girls, the time from the beginning of puberty to getting the first menstrual interval may take only 6 months, where on earth as for other girls, it may take longer and can take up to 3 years.

Every girl is different, and in attendance is a wide range of majority development during puberty.

All I can say is that you should be forgiving, it will happen when your body is ready.

I get my period when I was 13 (I’m 26 now).

Good luck :)

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