This is totally shameful!!?

I have a cross-question,
I want to know if there is something you can do for savour "down there" I want to know if there are certain foods girls should or should not get through to make it essence better for a guy. I get it that you call for to clean it and I do that regularly, but I needed to know if there be something out there that could relocate the taste for the better.

Plz. relief! im going to a personal trainer tomorow!?

Don't be embarrassed at adjectives... this is a perfectly pure question.

First, some reassurances... here is definitely a "natural" penchant to a woman's vagina. And, there really isn't that much you can do to modify it. Hygiene is the most critical thing... showering every sunshine and washing your genitals and anal nouns with soap and hose down at least once a afternoon. For some women, the prefer to shower shortly before sex, or after have a bowel movement. But, this is mostly to ease their own self-consciousness, which is OK.

Diet can impact your vaginal odor with the sole purpose slightly... since the glands that secrete vaginal fluids are immensely similar to sweat glands, some foods (such as garlic and alcohol) can change the overall odor, but singular to a slight degree. Kind of similar to how they impact your breath and your sweat.

What I would recommend for you is to continue to practice flawless hygiene, and if it helps, shower (maybe near your partner!) before sex. Also, engineer sure that you wear cotton panties, since they breathe better than anything synthetic. There are also many different kind of flavored lubricants on the market (in every flavor from bubble gum to grape!) that can serve as well.

But, I really want to reassure you that your vaginal odor is completely instinctive, and you really don't want to do anything to change it. To several men it's an aphrodisiac.

If you really think that your vaginal odor is strong, you may want to see your doctor to rule out any potential infections.

Hope this help!

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