Switching birth control pills mid-cycle?

I have three pills moved out that are the generic version of seasonale. I skip my placebos, so that I don't hold a period. Basically, I own three days of Seasonale left. After that, I am switching to Seasonique. I will be have intercourse on the fourth day (i.e. the light of day I am scheduled to start the Seasonique, the unsullied pills). I need to know HOW IMPORTANT it is that I use back-up protection, and if I only start the Seasonique now instead of finishing the Seasonales, will I be pretty much protected by Friday? If you aren't sure, please don't answer. Thanks!

Girls Only Please?

When I switched pills (I have to try 6 different pills until I found one that didn't give me breakthrough bleeding, so I switched every 3 to six months for a while) I be protected against pregnancy as long as I took the pills according to the schedule - So a short time ago finish your seasonale and the next morning start the seasonique. You will still be protected for pregnancy, but you may get some spotting etc during the subsequent three months as you body adjusts to the exotic hormone levels.

Is it ordinary if one of my breast if bigger, than the other one? Im only 15 years out-of-date.?

Definately use backup pretection. You really should start ur new pill after a time (i know it is annoying) but otherwise u wont know if ur pregnant or the pill is just working. You may also achieve spotting or a preiod when u dont want one!

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