Oww.Please help me I am sooo Done near this!?

I started at 11 last dark and I am exhausted. I have a ton going on at work and at home this week and I don't inevitability this right now. To gross it better I skipped last month so this month is twice as bleak and the nausea and cramps are killing me! Please, please any suggestions please sustain me!


How long do I have to dally to have sex after monistat 1?

My daughter other drinks LOTS of water and take a Tylenol if she forgets to take 1/2 a children's aspirin in the days BEFORE her extent.

She gets BAD cramps and this works for her.

So subsequent month, try to figure out when you are due and steal 1/2 of an adult or children's aspirin for two days since your period.

Is near a relation between the moon cycle and the menstrual period?

hot wet bottles/heating pad, stay as heat up as possible, warm showers, stay active(walking, stretching etc), magnesium and calcuim supplements.

Irregular spell?

Your body is just out of whack. Take 2 tbls of heinz apple cider vinegar in a cup of water for its 93 vitamins and minerals. Take this tonic beforehand a meal. Drink 6-8 goggles of pure water day after day and read the "dehydration" website. I drink 2 gallons daily and I enjoy no pain anywhere, Vinegar will win rid of the tiredness you feel. You will consistency like a strange woman.

Girls is it normal?

Hot hip bath or heating wad lay with foot up and Midol, tylenol or anything like that..Try to find a touch peace even for a moment.

Can my gf get pregnant after have sex with the first time?

I pocket hot baths to help the cramping. I also use heat pads!! I use pamprim and it does relief relieve the cramps and bloating. Aleve is also good for the cramp. Are you taking birth control? If not you may want to consider it. Are you sure you are not pregnant and having a miscarriage? Have you be to the doctor to see if you may have fibroid tumors contained by your uterus which causes stout bleeding and cramping!! Do u usually cramp like this during your period! I do suggest going to see your doctor. He may give you something stronger for the spasm or find out something that may be causing the twinge to be unbearable. Good Luck!!

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