How long do I own to wait to hold sex after monistat 1?

Okay... I got my first yeast infection from have to take 2 weeks and later 1 week of antibiotics for a UTI. I started eating yogurt once I found out what it be and that alleviated the symptoms significantly. Last night I took Monistat 1. I own a few questions... first sour... when can I have sex again. Second. I of late read that the one day isn't as well brought-up... should I be worried... I don't feel approaching mine is that bad... and I put away a lot of yogurt presently. Also, I used it last hours of darkness and now it feel kind-a burny from the stuff... is that normal?

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If you will take a dose of Alka-Seltzer untested, that infection will go away thoroughly fast, approaching in smaller number than an hour less it is bleak and then it will give somebody a lift until over night to carry rid of it. It is a lot cheaper than the meds that you are taking and works so much faster to boot. After in recent times one dose of this, the burning will stop. Also you don't have to verbs about this win on the under pant like beside the other meds. Once you have no sign of the infection after taking the Alka-Seltzer, whip one more dose for apposite measures and the infection is gone. It will kill the infection and rapid.

The medicine and strength information post by website user , not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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