GIRL examine...?

when your doctor tells you that you enjoy excess white blood cells surrounded by your urine and they are going to see if they can grow bacteria. what does that aim?


They're checking to see that you don't have a urinary tract infection, which include your bladder.

White blood cell are the bodies defenders--they eat up invading germs. So an elevated white cell count means near's an infection going on somewhere in your body.

I am 2 weeks exactly till im due for my period but my cycle ranges from 23 days to 29?

so that the microbes can eat your extra white blood cell becouser some bacteria is not doomed to failure it helps you catch rid of unwanted waste.

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Well I'm no doctor but if they grow bacteria consequently the white blood cells will attack the germs. So then after its finished warfare then your white blood cell would be lower, because some of them got kill in the combat.

Wait what am I talking in the order of? Oh yeah. Yep, thats it.


The white blood cells funds your body is sending its defenses in to fight a urinary tract infection. They are going to see if any microbes grown in the urine. Then they will know see which antibiotics it is sensitive to so they will know which to prescribe.

Could it be menopause?


When will i hove my period? im 11 yeays aged too.?

They're checking to see what kind of germs is causing your UTI (Urinary Track Infection)..your body is trying to be at odds the infection so that's why there is a illustrious white blood cell count in your urine. Also that will give a hand them know what anti-biotic to put you on, as well.

Have you taken a couple of different anti-biotics and save getting the same infections? if so you might want to look at what your drinking resembling cokes, sodas, etc.they can irritate the bladder, kidneys, and cause problems next to them. Drink lots of water & 100% cranberry the label it will convey you if it is.

Good luck!

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