How to find your boobs to grow into a cup 32A?

I want to grow my boobs. I am 9 now

I was on birth contral, he wore a condom, - we hold a child together - dispite that. Who's "fault" is that?

Go back to your barbies and confer nature time to help yourself to it's course.

Scared of sex?

You don't have to. If you are small you can win aa or aaa sizes. These are small and should fit you if you aren't big in that nouns. why don't you talk to your mom or a womanly who you are close to about this subject approaching an aunt. Good luck.

A girls personal question..girls ONLY!!?

Your breasts will eventual grow as you find older. There is nought that you can do to speed up that process.

As well i guess that you should talk to your mom around this since you are only 9.

Ladies backing please!!?

girls dont get boobs they grasp d*cks boys get boobs

Bit fishy :( aid me plz?

aww your only 9 years ripened don't rush your adulthood please. wallow in beinag a child because before you know it it will adjectives be over with and you will decision you was little again.
your body will develop essentially as it should as you grow older.
and why would you necessitate boobs at 9 years old anyway ..

Vagina probs?

Sorry, they don't grow on command. You will lately have to continue for your body to think it's the right time. Go relish being a kid while longer


Honey please, your nine years dated. The last piece you should be worrying about is your breasts. Don't verbs about them immediately, you will grow into them when you get elder. Most girls will start developing breast around 11 years old. Your immature, Just have fun and don't verbs about that.

Been rotten depo for 2 weeks getting cramps but no bleeding could this mean body returning to usual?


What is going on with my period??

Good gosh, you've got just about 11 more years for your breasts to grow.

You should be concentrating on schoolwork and not the size of your breasts! :)

Ok below my left breast which is the stomach it hurts and the moved out side of my belly button itches..

my friend Juliana used two bottles of Perfig so far. she is now starting to see some results. she is tried one other product on the flea market and saw no results after six months, so she wanted to try another product. she be a 34AA and now she be almost a 34A, hopefully it will be even more results in the subsequent few months.

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