Whats the best home remedy cure for a small bladder infection?
Please help! Stress SpotWhat is it?
drink lots of cranberry liquid and plenty of water and if that's still packed up go to your local drug store and achieve AZO it should help and it second more then 7 days jump to a doctor
drink cranberry liquid and water thats what they use for urine infections and dont hold your sea use the bathroom everytime you have to run thats the key dont drink too much at hours of darkness so you dont have to hold your sea while sleeping
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AZO tablets work fast.You can carry them from any drug store. It is also important to drink deeply of water, it will oblige flush out bacteria.When did you acquire your first period?
Drink lots and lots hose down,also a little cranberry liquid helps too.But later after couple days if it doesnot help.You should see a docter.Has anyone be through the same?
Lots of cranberry and other citric juice (lime, lemon, etc). Drink as much water as you can; try and flush the system. Try to cut profusely of salt out of your diet. DO NO DOUCHE or do anything close to that - it can mess up your vaginal bacteria and generate things worse.if it does not get better surrounded by the near adjectives, you really should go see a condition care professional.
-Essin' Em, hotmoviesforher.com
cranberry juice
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