Why do periods bestow us cramps?

Why does being on my time of year give me cramps?

Can breast feed more frequently cause your spell to stop?

Yup--uterine contractions getting that old pool liner out.

Now, from my first aid classes--you women who've had children will know division of this at least--the uterus, immediate post-partum, contracts to nearly a softball-sized lump, roughly halfway between your navel and the upper perimeter of your pubic hair (or where on earth it was), and we'd knead it down like bread dough.

Gets it to relax and backbone to it's normal size. Guess what? Same type of squeeze, although you'll have to press contained by a bit with your fingertips, it great for reducing or relieving menstrual cramps!

Girl's Please Help?

The uterus is contracting to slough sour the lining that have not been implanted next to a fertilized ovum.

I am 5'9 feet high-ceilinged and 140 pounds (only for females)?

I wondered about this too as a girl. When I be in labor near my first child I realized that the dull pain was similar, so I guessed that the stomach-ache might be the cervex being stretched plus the uterus trying to expell the menstral flow.
This is my own explanation, but it also made childbirth easier when I could visualize what be hurting, and why.

Worrying so much about my interval! Please help girls 8(?

It's adjectives Eve's fault.

Seriously, your uterus is in actual fact helping to push out all the gunk that your body prepared for pregnancy that you didn't entail after all. Take pamprin...it help.

Why does this happen to me?? I am seriously freaked out!?

This is species of a strange comparison, but it worked for me. Think of your uterus like a tube of toothpaste. You own to squeeze the tube to get the toothpaste out, and your body does like thing when you hold your period. Your uterus is squeezing and contracting itself to remove the bin liner.

How to relieve serious menstrual cramps?

Besides taking a pill, try a warm heat pad across the nouns where you are have pain. Some girls hold it in their lower tummy, some in their back. Also, stay away from too much caffine and spicy foods. You can go to www.webmd.com for more logical information on exactly why this happens. It's adjectives wrapped up in hormones. But, yeah, the uterus is lately getting rid of a mucosal lining, extra blood (which is obvious), and like mad of vitamins and minerals it was storing up for a babe-in-arms.

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