Work out my butt?

my butt is rather voluminous and it has some cellulite. esp where on earth it turns into my leg. how can i tone this area down and take rid of the cellulite? but not increase the mass of this or any other area?

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If you can build lean muscle, it will decrease your size somewhat and breed the cellulite appear less prominent. Cellulite doesn't in recent times go away though, really the singular thing you can do is build muscle tone or enjoy liposuction. Ride a bike, stationary or traditional. Do squats, and a lot of them--bend your knees at a 90 scope angle and squat like you are going to sit in an illusory chair,making sure to preserve your back posture straight, stand fund up and repeat--I usually do these in sets of 10. You can hold a weight(5-10 lbs. or so), clutch whatever's around the house if you can't procure to a gym. If you can make it to a gym, hit the leg press contraption, keep the weightiness low and do lots of reps to insure that you gain lean muscle and not bulk the area up. Good luck :)

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lots of squats and leg lift.
cellullite is hard to grasp rid of but you have to drink like mad and lot of water
here is the prfect site go to the segment where it say thighs and legs, it is boring to watch but it works because i enjoy a big butt too and i toned it and it looks rather great.

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yes tone up
use less cargo but do more repititions
but there is nil wrong with a big bum :p
seriously dont be consious of it, I don`t know that how ur genes just are
it's not a problem unless u label it a problem

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