Am I simply lucky or is my cycle screwed up?

Recently, my periods own been spanning farther apart from respectively other. It used to come every 31 days or so, and now it seem to come every 40 days and it's usually very light.

I seriously doubt I'm pregnant. I'm 5'1 and weigh just about 120 pounds. BMI: 22.7

Should I be concerned about this?

Milky white discharge?

You are fine, diet can some times mess you up, and if you do profusely of running or other heavy exercise that can create it too.

Can anyone predict when I could ovulate?

That happens to me to. I don't reason you should worry give or take a few it because it probably happens to most girls and it probably depends on how long ago you started your interval.

Advice please?! =/?

Well you say that you seriously doubt you are preg, So is nearby any chance at adjectives that you could be? I would get a appointment beside my Gyno and get checked out, and bargain it all over beside him/her. Your period flow depends on profusely of diffrent things and only a doctor who know your health history can enlighten you for sure what is going on with you.. Good Luck

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