Very very light.?

i got my length and it has be extremly light. resembling a few spots a day, i enjoy cramps but barley blood. im 110% sure im not preg and im a teen. what up?

Is it safe to travel snorkling in tropical waters during a woman's menstrual cycle? Or is it not a good notion? & Y?

You're a teenager, so your hormone level are still straightening out. Your period will be manner of wonky -- really light, really calorific, really early, really unpaid -- for the next few years. No big business

do you have to give somebody a lift kemo treatments for a liver problem?

it's completely normal hun, lately an irregular period.
once your surrounded by your late teens everything should start too settle down and become more regular :)

8 pounds in one week?

Could be stress, or move in exercise, or diet, or medication. It could be profusely of things. Chances are it isn't anything to worry roughly speaking. If it persists, you should build an appointment with your OB/GYN. I wouldn't stress to much going on for it right now though, it will single make it worse!

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