Am i pregnant?

havent had a time of year since my miscarriage in january. done 2 tests since both enjoy been negaive. Im getting some sickness in the morning,but single been in fact sick once,im constipated,naseau,more tired than usual,really emotional,moody,getting cramps but no!!

Using coconut grease as a lubricant during sex: is it safe, or can it head to unwanted internal bacteria?

Just move about see a doctor! Or atleast call one! They'll relate you what to do! If you don't have a doctor... Call a clinic!

I enjoy had problems next to removing facial hair.?

As you are patently worried, perhaps a stop by to the doctor may help.

What could make happen this?

90% you are but for sure you have to ask your doctor.

Why do i grain dizzy?

see your gp asap, or aty least call for
good luck, hope u take result you want

What is pms?

doesnt sound similar to you are pregnant. did the miscarriage leave defacement tissue? Maybe thats why you havent gotten a period. send for your obgyn soon.

Is a woman with an irregular term cycle less punctual than one near a regular period cycle?

You might be. Although, as you already know I am sure, the examination is right 99.9% of the time ( or so the package states) I own herd that it can purloin awhile for the period to acquire "normal" again after a miscarriage. I would go to your doctor as soon as you can to bring in sure everything is okay.

Is this normal for a pubescent girl?

i think the best entry for you to do is see a doctor...

Ingrown hairs?

.... if something have INJECTED you... means YOU'RE READY for making BALLOON.

...YOUR PERIOD STOPS.. connotation it stops because it's period..if comma (,) implication.. there's more profoundly of babies to come. you have to be indebted since your PERIOD STOPS..

DoSe A Guysz DiGeSt?

I had alike...Its just your body getting hindmost to normal... Your body still think you're pregnant & still puts out the hormones & stuff (im no doctor so im unsure of the details really)
But iv jus come on 2day after not having a length for a few months.
If you are still worried then shift to the doctors or family planning clinic but i reckon that you hold the same as what i have after i miscarried...
Good luck hun!

Shaving Legs Question!?

mayb u should relax a little,u know if ur stressed out or something.and hold on to ur mind off of "am i pregnant" item.then check again n a couple of weeks or smaller quantity! ok?

What's wrong with me?

maybe the best article to do is go to the docs and sermon to them about it wreak it may be that you might need a d.n.c sorry if your not sure what it is but as i said address to your doc as you are either pregnant again or as i said you may entail a d.n.c hope that helps.

Why am i bleeding?

HI, I own had 6 precipitate miscarriages and at last I am 19 weeks pregnant, fingers crossed this one looks ok. Each miscarriage have affected my body contained by different ways. Some I hardly bled at adjectives, others I bled for weeks afterwards, sometimes my periods come back to everyday immediately and once it took me 4 months to hold a period after the m/c. 3 months after one m/c I be bloated, feeling sick, constipated and tired adjectives the time, I was convinced I be pregnant even though half a dozen test disagreed with me. I have my period a month subsequent and discovered that obviously the test were right and I be wrong.

Don't get your hopes up, your body have been through abundantly and when it feels in position and safe to concieve again it will. Hold bad from doing any more tests for a nother 3 or 4 weeks, you are solitary torturing yourself. I understand how you quality and the not knowing drives you crazy, but try to relax and look after yourself. If you are pregnant your body will appreciate all the well-mannered things you do for it by taking it easy, ingestion properly, and sleeping well. If you are not already taking folic bitter then start very soon, remember you should be taking it whilst trying to concieve not just when you enjoy a positive test result.

Good luck!!

Is it true,for a man to hold a ingrowing toe nail, is more painfull than a woman have a bad time pain?

That sounds for a while worrying. It could be anything from pregnancy to your body recovering from the miscarriage.. I really don't think you should be messing around beside this though - get yourself to the doctors to do an ultrasound and test.

Hope you get things sorted out. x

What does it penny-pinching when girl have a really really tubby **!?

95% yes

I need a doctor to answer this quiz?

babe im same u really need to see dr for a testing you can have misrepresent neg hpts babe

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