So i'm finally considering birthcontrol, but i have a few question..?

How long do you have to dawdle before you can hold unprotected sex? (boyfriend wants to know)

What happen if you forget to take once?

Do you own to pay for it monthly?

Is within any chance at adjectives to get pregnant on it at adjectives?

Does it taste icky? haha

And, final one, does the doctor ask you any questions related to drinking?

Sorry, if nearby are too many question.

Ru-486 vs surgical, medical abortion?

Unprotected sex . . . never a good impression with bcp or not. Tell your boyfriend that nil is 100%. So, in directive to protect yourself and him from STD's as well as maternity, use condoms. Nevertheless, to answer your question, I would keep on at least three full cycles. Let your body receive adjusted to the unsullied hormones.

$$ . . . the pay will depend on you. Most population pay for it monthly due to insurance regulations. If you're concerned going on for cost, depending on your age, you might be able to be in motion to a free clinic that will just present you bcp. I know that clinics on most college campuses will do this. You in recent times need to make clear to them your financial situation and ask for "samples."

Chances . . . yes, in that is still a chance that you can return with pregnant but it is unlikely. You need to follow the directions, transport the pill around the same time respectively day, don't miss any days, etc. Really, it depends on your body. Remember, zilch is 100%.

Taste . . . it is a little bitty pill. Down it beside a cup of juice and you won't love a thing. Once you become a pro, you'll pilfer it without any juice. It is so small.

Drinking . . . the doctor will ask you lots of questions to determine the right type of pill to perscribe for you. Answer them adjectives honestly. So yes, there might be a press related to drinking.

Good luck!

Had a yeast infection.. is that due to puberty and hormonal changes?

All these information are available on the internet and should be discussed beside your doctor during your visit.

If your boyfriend requirements unprotected sex then bring him along beside you to the doctor and have both of you tested for STD.

Help i want to know what affects your thyroid?

Usually one to two weeks.

IF you forget to take ONE helpful pill, you take it as soon as you remember, after the next one at the commonplace time. For more than one make sure to check the pamphlet that comes next to your pills.

Yes you pay for it monthly. It is covered underneath my insurance, so its $10 (copay). Some might not cover it though.

You always enjoy a chance at getting pregnant beside contraceptives, as the ONLY 100% effective entity is abstinence.

Nope, they are tiny and can be swallowed next to a tiny sip of water.

They will ask in the order of your history, how sexually active you are, how abundant partners you've have, and about alcohol and smoking.

How you ever see this before?

If you want unprotected sex simply go thorough it isn't 100% effective, depends how mature you are, yes there is if you throw up you enjoy to wait a week and use comdoms. It doesn't predilection icky lol, i can hardly nibble it, but don't chew it, trust me, they didn't ask me..

Need help slimming hips and butt!?

you should in reality read up on natural kith and kin planning.

What is the fastest healthiest way to lose cargo and keep it rotten?

The answers to your questions depends on the pill that your on- usually the pill is 99% decisive and if u both wnat to have sex next to out a condom make sure that u are both tested for STDs - DO NOT lately tell respectively other that u "just know" that your verbs ! practicing safe sex also resources checking for diseases!! For your other questions u should ask ur doctor- or travel to the website of the birth control pill that u want to know more about!

Can anyone Help Me! *Porfavor*:o)?

I still wouldn't hold unprotected sex. You aren't 100% guaranteed with birth control, and birth control doesn't protect you from diseases.

Yes, you income for doesn't cover it.

YES you can get pregnant. I did...on birth control AND condoms.

Doesn't nibble at all.

Yes, the doctor asks you question related to drinking.

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