I own a 16 year womanly aged who have appalling migrain headache. Looking for treatment?

Imitrex and imitrex-like drugs don't work

Answers:    I would look in to dietary change. There are lots of different foods that are known to inflict problems with culture who are sensitive to them.

Examine what you've eaten during the 24 hours prior to the kick-off of a migraine, and see if there's any correlation. This website here has a great roll of common trigger foods.

dance to your doctor. it could be something more serious if your self diagnosing.

See a doctor. If you're having frequent migraines, at hand is probably a problem. You know that commercial for the Head On stuff and it keeps repeating "apply directly to the forehead." Well it is annoying but that stuff really works!
Have you have her eyes checked lately?
I had really bleak migrain's up until I went and get contacts.
neurolagist see one imitrex does not work for me the only point that really works for a bad migrane is sleep. and caffeine other seems to clear the headache worse-- like chocolate or coca cola. for me within has to be complete silence and mistiness for me to fall asleep and afterwards i wake up recharged. but if the headaches verbs consult a doctor.
Ask the doc about some of the unmarked meds that are out there. Also this may nouns strange but buy her a new pillow it may aid. you need to turn to the doctors. Also go to a neurologist to bring in sure their is nothing else wrong.
If drugs wont work. She requirements to plently of fresh food like fresh fish and fruits. Make sure, she doesnt drink too much sweets. She probably needs a nice time off of rest. i have have this problem and lived with it since i be about 18, and as ridiculous as it sounds the singular thing that help me is whiskey and a nap.
Go to the doctor.

mmm meanwhile: don't impart her any dairy products (milk, cheese, chocolate) that causes some headache.

I have migraines, and I be wondering have you tried Maxalt 5mg. I am 16 also and it works for me. Go to their site: http://www.maxalt.com/rizatriptan_benzoa... I hope this help. You have to numeral out what in her diet triggers her migraines...I own been battle migraines since I was 10 years aged, and finally I was taken to a neurologist (who by the road prescribed vicodin for my migraines when i was 14...STUPID!) but he did lend a hand me by helping me figure out that MSG Mono-sodium Glutamate--a preservative found within a lot of unwanted items food) in foods be one of my main triggers, along beside chocolate, cheese, etc..so I just stay away from those foods and I don't carry migraines as often anymore..

At that age it may resourcefully be hormonal. Have her levels checked. Good luck and God Bless. definite foods may be causing the migraines,MSG is one of them.
Stress and your monthly feminine cycle can be a cause.
Go obtain checked out, you could have another another serious problem too.
My proposal is for her to get a CT scan. Hopefully the doctor did that in the past he prescribed Imitrex, but that's all I can regard of if those aren't working. I used to get unpromising migranes and my vision would capture all distorted. Excedrin worked for me, but I'm not sure if thats Imitrex-like.

Eventually as I get older they started to cut and eventually went away.

Then, I found out I have a PFO (hole in the heart). This is more adjectives than people may chew over. (1/4 people hold one) Their have be studies that show that their may be a realtionship between having a PFO and migraines.

Here is a clothed article on the subject:
Ever since I was 16 I have terrible migraines and I started seeing a chiropractor, 2 years latter I don't have any problems, I still jump one or two times a month just for keeping to my spine, and it makes your level of like deeply better. So I would recommend going and seeing a chiropractor. i just took some ibuprofen when i get a migrane and it worked (after i finally got one to stay down!)

but it make you realllly tired somtimes.
go to your doctor and see if topamax would be a moral medicine for you.

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