Strange menstrual cycle? UTI?

My symptoms as of yesterday:
- dark red/brownish blood ONLY while urinating
- doesn't own a menstrual blood odor, but rather regular blood smell
- no throbbing at all what so ever or frequent entail to urinate
- my period doesn't start for another week
- I am sexually helpful. Like today we had sex and on the condom, here was deeply of the dark blood as if I be on my period.
- I have the same point last month except it looked close to regular blood, not the dark color.

I'm worried that this may be connected to what I have about a month ago. What have happened be I was bleeding while urinating, but it didn't hurt, sting, or anything. I took antibiotics for it to step away although the doctor said there be no signs of UTI from the urine test.

As far as different things go, antibiotics for UTI, but that was a month ago. Also be taking vitamin C pills last few days for a mouth infection. And also be having closely of allergies.

Any advice at adjectives would be very agreeable, thank you

Strange!!wot can be going on?

you need to see a indisputable doctor that knows what hes doing, it could be cancer or anything.

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