Why is this happening to me? :'( facilitate please!?

I dont know if this is normal...but when I am PMSing, I bring back really angry, I yell at shout and yelp at everything that comes my way. I cant control myself at adjectives :( I want to stop being so stingy when I have my PMS..my mood change so fast, i throw things around in anger one minute, the subsequent i sit and cry. I feel so awful when i do that. Plus I am so scrounging to the people I really love..especially my bf! I dont know how and why he puts up beside me. I am really bitchy to him and I feel so impossible! It's like as if some desperate monster takes over me..i have a feeling possessed almost. AFter PMS is over and when my period starts, i hold the most painful period. Like last dark I was crying myself to sleep b/c my final was hurting so much, and I be having the WORST cramps ever. I be mostly crying b/c of pelvic pressure...it's such a horrible feeling. i dont know what to do :( When I am not pmsing or have my period, i am jovial and I can be the most loving person...but it's as if i am posessed when im pmsing.

Feeling cold?

Your symptoms nouns severe enough to be PMDD, premenstrual dysmporphic disorder. Some women draw from relief by taking Yaz, a contraceptive pill, and an antidepressant. Other ways to treat it lacking pills are getting more exercise, better nutrition, plenty of rest, and adequate hydration. I acted like peas in a pod zany ways when I was pregnant. It's one point to cry because of a movie; it's another thing to cry because of "Dude, where on earth's my car?". I option men knew what we go through sometimes, so they would understand when we work possessed.

One day overdue for my period be taking clomid to help near pregnancy having impossible cramps.. Normal?

My gyn put me on wellbutrin it has help me alot! I was wanting to rip head off! This have definitely help me.. Talk to your Dr. and maybe he can suggest something right for you. Good Luck

What if you are 1 week delayed and after you had sex and bled heavily but with the sole purpose for a day.?

Your Dr. can and will back you! Give them a call it's pretty adjectives for some women to go thew this!

What does it penny-pinching when you smell real unpromising down there no business how much you wash?

i started taking the shots that prevent unwanted pregancy and also will stop my periods--imagine that freedom!!
yeah i acquire bad migraines every month right in the past my period...and quality like someone have kicked me in the spinal column the first day i get up up bleeding--im glad to be done with that--at most minuscule for a while.....

How much exercise can I do after a tubal?

please try the contraceptive injection. it has worked for me, i used to be suicidal and homicidal every month in a minute i am calm and i dont enjoy periods. bliss. one injection every 12 weeks.


I would articulate to your doc about PMDD as unwilling PMS. Very similar, but the symptoms are magnified in the latter. If you use BC, in attendance are also kinds made beside treating the symptoms of PMDD in mind, without a huge alteration within meds. I'd also think more or less being checked for ovarian cysts or endometriosis. Horrible cramps may individual be cramps, but I'd check that out, too.
Hope you're feeling better, zilch is worse than a really painful time.

Sometimes when I sleep, I have dreams in the region of having to "use the restroom", and when I rouse up, I have to "go"

Some mood change and physical symptoms are normal within the menstrual cycle due to the hormones in your body, but if your symptoms are extreme, you may own estrogen dominance. Many women stop producing enough progesterone to preserve the hormones in stability and this can lead to extreme PMS, horrible cramping and severe bleeding during period, as well as masses other "female" complaints. Using a cream containing Natural progesterone (chemically identical to what your body produces) is an assured way to restore the hormone set off, with none of the unenthusiastic effects of synthetics such as Provera. You can research it yourself or find a natural or alternative practitioner who can testing your saliva to know your hormone levels and insist on you on the use of natural progesterone. It really does serve.

How can I lose 20 lbs. in two weeks ?

I too catch like this just about a week before I am due, and it last until the first day. I enjoy tried several things, however nothing really help. I take it out on my p and kids, and I am close to a total looney. Its awful, but I cannot help it. I acquire so irratable that every little thing annoys me. I too grasp terrible crapms and the backache is agony. My Dr did suggest Dianete (contraceptive pill) but I dont really want to rob that as I smoke.
I know this wont have help much but just so you know that you are not alone.

Clair :O)

Im worried! ladies minister to.?

hey, sorry to hear about your unpromising symptoms.

the physical and pms symptoms sound close to you have seriously of hormones going round your body. these can be helped by going on BC - this regulates and sometimes reduce the hormones so evens everything out.

your best bet would be to visit your ob gyn, explain your problems. it may support to keep a diary of adjectives your symptoms to show them. this is a common complaint and they will be capable of help.

within can sometime be other issues that can cause the physical problems, resembling cysts or fibroids. it is best to get these checked out.

correct luck!

I'm 15 years old, and I haven't have a period contained by 3 months. What could be wrong w/me?


PMSing sucks...I get it desperate too sometimes...If you can not control it, just stay away from culture until you are better..

But, it also what you eat can affect it too...Healthy is the push button, and chocolate lol..It makes me be aware of better..Also, Midal, is suppose to help near that too...

It is a proved scientific reality that exercising can help dampen menstrual cramps.

Just go for a stride, and stretch.. I dont know why, but stretching feels sooo dutiful when I am this way...

Listen to some comforting music, own some alone time, maybe a nice bubble hip bath, with candles and music!

Oh, stay away from aspartame and false things approaching that..THey dont help this, or you at adjectives...

Also, all these girls are recomending taking a pill! Dont! Most everything can be fixed with ease!

I forgot...Long ago I had endometriosus..It hurt close to heck every month. My periods be always diffrent, some where on earth for months at a time...But, it passed when I had a child!

You should go to the gyno to clear sure nothing is going on inside..If it is run of the mill, then try what I metioned above! :D Also, prayer help anything too!

At the end of my length, the red colour goes away and this greengray colour appears. It have a bad smell.?

OK - what's a guy doing trying to answer this?! I'll relate you - my wife has suffered similarly for the ultimate 15 years and I have to enunciate we've tried everything. I tend to be the main brunt of any anger (rather me than the kids) and I know she doesn't have it in mind it but it isn't something she finds easy to control.
In my experience, the things that hold worked best for us are plenty of warm baths although at the formation, the doctor was convinced it be being cause by the hormones used in the contraceptive pill. I own to say that things did restore imeasurably when we decided to use an alternative method to the pill - Norplant we opt for and it did make a difference. Since that daytime, we've found little things that make little differences such as the smell of lavender contained by the house helps a bit, avoiding alcohol and subsequent nights for that week and respectively of these adds up to a variation.
I'm sure everyone behaves differently for different reason but if any of these have struck a guts with you afterwards try them, seriously. If not, it certainly won't do any impair to make an appointment next to your GP? Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you - it's worth the perseverence :)

What does it mean if you're have white discharge?

Hi Hun, first of all, I am sorry to hear that you are have such a bad time of it beside your periods...it can be so frustrating because closely of women don't suffer at all and general public can misunderstand you a lot because they don't appreciate just how discouraging it can be!
Please don't feel desperate or blame yourself, what you are experiencing is crazy hormones at their worst, and it's not your fault, and the path you lash out at your partner is something quite out of your control!
Think around pregnant women - when their hormones are loopy they can be bursting into tears at the drop of a hat, or aggressive and hostile, and it's the same beside the hormone changes respectively month (for some women!).
When there is something not pretty right with your pure balance of hormones it can mete out completely irrational behaviour...so I would recommend that you step to the Doctor. It may take a while, at first some Dr's are especially unwilling to take this seriously but please keep at it. Get checked for endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome, just attain yourself checked out thoroughly. You DO NOT have to put up near this forever, something is amiss and it is probably something very minor but lone a thorough check will be able to identify the problem.
You are "possessed" while PMS-ing! It is not your majority self and you know it! You are just ravage by hormones and please I am sure that those close to you love you very much and know this is not the "normal" you! :)

I have very similar experiences - as soon as mine started I have a complete nightmare - the pain be unimaginable, I used to vomit continuously, diarrhoea, fainting, everything. The Dr's tried everything, some half-baked painkillers, muscle relaxants, adjectives kinds of stuff but it be just hopeless, the minute that stomach-ache started there be no turning back! In the finish off, the Contraceptive Pill was the lone option. It did cure the niggle and will make you own "normal" periods...ie., maybe a bit of pain etc but zilch like the hellish experience of crazy period! The Pill comes with a total host of other issues though so if you are considering this please take into statement the effects it has on your unharmed body, it is pretty powerful and has long residence side effects so make sure you discuss these beside a good Doctor.

So, adjectives in adjectives, you are not crazy, please don't worry.but you basically need to find checked out and get some set off back to your hormones any via the Pill or some other method. My personal advice would be to forget painkillers or evening primrose grease or anything like that, it doesn't work when they are this horrendous!!

PS - print a copy of adjectives these responses so your boyfriend can gain some kind of explanation.it is really hard for relations to "get" how the whole PMS point works as rationally they should not be bloody and be able to alter your personality - but the awful fact is that they do surrounded by some people, and you really necessitate some sympathy and understanding only for a couple of days each month! :-))

An nouns around my nipples itch.. what may cause that to surface?

it's normal. i get hold of the same entry. the best way to confidence the pain would be to thieve 2 iviprofin tablets and put a hot pack on the cramp. if ur having cramps in the past u bleed, take a melt bath. trust me it feel sooo much better. also don't do alot of work when u are pmsing or on ur period, rest somewhat bit so u won't be worn out. well biddable luck!!

Period pains?

Yeah I know the feelings your have. I had them when I be about 13 years outdated. It was so discouraging that I started just staying home when I would hold my period. I missed profoundly of school thought and my grades did suffer from it. My mom at the time took me to the doctor. He put me on the birthcontrol pill. You wouldn't hold believed the change. Your hormones are out of whack when you are pmsing. The pill will relief with the mood swings. It will also straiten out your period which will help near the cramps. You could try those hot packs you buy from the drug store (think they are call Therma Patch). I can't be on the pill anymore, because they give me migraines. When I'm going threw that crap I hold to just accord with Midol and the Patches. Talk to your doctor and carry a pap smear. If your test comes rear normal, afterwards I would suggest telling your doctor that you want to be on the pill. The birthcontrol patch works indistinguishable way as the pill. The depo shot (birthcontrol shot) is something you can focus about too. Although, when I be on the shot, I bled for the whole time I be on it and gained similar to 20lbs. with every shot. It affects associates differently though. There is also the Nuvaring you could try. I talked to a friend of mine that be using that though, and when her and her husband were have sex it came out on his appendage though. So you might want to be careful something like that one. Good luck and talk to your family circle doctor. They will help you desire what is best for you.

When to go for a smear check?

This may not be just simple PMS, you may hold something called PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)... it's similar to PMS times a million.

I feel for you. I be dx'd with PMDD give or take a few 4 years ago. It is very devastating, and it's a very legitimate condtion. I urge you to speak to your gyn about your symptoms. There IS serve for PMDD.

I had a enormously severe case of PPD (postpartum depression) after my very soon almost 5 year old daughter be born. I had taken abundant antidepressants for the PPD, however, once the PMDD came along, none of the meds I be on did anything for it.

I started taking Yaz birth control back contained by October, and I can honestly say that it have saved my vivacity, literally.

Some women need an antidepressant or antianxiety med to abet with the PMDD, some hold only the Yaz (as I do). Please, again, bargain to your gyn. PMDD is not to be taken lightly.

Here is an article in the order of my personal experience...
And, here is some major info in relation to PMDD...

I wish you adjectives the best, and please, don't wait to desire help.

Does n e body kno how to properly munch through out a girl?

You sound close to you are experiencing severe irritability. I suffer from clinical depression, and I totally get what you're going through! Sometimes, I discern possessed as well, and I will yelp at my husband and say the most hurtful things! And later, when I come back to run of the mill, I can't remember most of the things I even said to him. It's the worst. I'm not like that! That's not me! It's my depression.

What you are describing sounds similar to it could be Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), not PMS! PMDD is very similar to a Major Depressive Episode. Only, beside PMDD, it comes right before your interval every month! And irritability, like you are describing, fits right in.

Here are the symptoms of PMDD:
1 Feeling hopeless, hopeless, or worthless
2 Feeling tense, anxious, or “on edge”
3 Mood swings interspersed near frequent tearfulness
4 Persistent irritability, anger, and increased interpersonal conflict
5 Decreased interest in usual activities
6 Difficulty concentrating
7 Feeling fatigued, lethargic, or wanting in energy
8 Changes within appetite (may be associated with binge consumption or craving certain foods)
9 Inability to sleep or sleeping excessively
10 Having a subjective thought of being overwhelmed or out of control
11 Other physical symptoms such as breast pain or
swelling, headaches, sensations of “bloating” or counterweight
gain with atmosphere of tightness in clothing, shoes, or
rings. Joint or muscle affliction may also be present.

If you feel close to you have five (or more) of the following symptoms near at least one of the symptoms individual one of the first four, you should be diagnosed with PMDD. Make an appointment near your physician or gynecologist to talk roughly speaking this ASAP!

Even if it's not PMDD, there are oodles different medicines that you and your doctor can chat about to back with your symptoms. Good luck! I'm praying for you!

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