At the shutting down of my period, the red colour go away and this greengray colour appears. It has a desperate smell.?

Whats wrong?

Oh. And Ive never had sex formerly.

What is the best and most accurate birth control to use?

Sounds like you hold a vaginal infection. This needs to be treated by a doctor. It could be something sexually transmitted, or it could be a problem next to the pH balance of your vagina, which allows microbes to overgrow. In any case, you probably call for antibiotics! Green/gray sounds like trichomonas, which is a small parasite, and is sexually transmitted.

Im curious, are womanly ejaculations real?

thats definently not apposite you should see a nana doctor

Please HELP me!?

Sounds like an infection, you should never smell down at hand or have a green discharge.You don't own to have intercourse to acquire an infection.Make an appt. asap, because it doesn't sound virtuous.Good luck. Check out this article

What do they do when a girl is attacked?

It could be normal seeing as dark color blood is just elder blood that takes a while to overrun from the uterus. But I'd talk to an grown or doctor.

I haven't had a extent in 4 months, I get sore breasts and i got a complicated tummy. Do u think I'm pregnant ?

This is most potential a vaginal infection. Since you haven't had sex beforehand, you can rule out it being an STD. Go to your local robustness clinic or your family Doctor and win an exam done. Bacterial Vaginosis is an infection which causes a desperate odor and a grayish discharge. This could be what you have. I own had this infection until that time and it is not sexually transmitted, and it is cured with pills. You can also experience a burning sensation when peeing, and bleed irregularly or hold dark brown spotting. Either road, go to the doctors and win checked as soon as possible. That is the only channel to know for sure.

Don't click if female issues gross you out or slight you.?

If it's only arranged at the end of your cycle, it may newly be your body cleaning itself out. It's probably best to talk this over beside an advice nurse. It doesn't nouns like an infection to me, but I'm not a professional. For more information, check out WWW.AFRAIDTOASK.COM But be ware, although this site is really educational, it can be reasonably graphic (gross).

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